In my 'previous life' in this life, in my role as CEO of
an organization, I regularly woke up suddenly at night and could not sleep
anymore because of my playful monkey in my mind, all my jumping thoughts.
In fact, it worked out
like this; I did not even ‘smell’ and touch my bed or within a split second I
fell asleep. Actually I know now because I was physically and mentally exhausted
(which step by step and without realizing this, brought me over many years a
huge burnout at the age of 53). And because of that overload of sensations and
impressions, I fell asleep deeply. At least, it felt like that.
After a couple of hours I came as a cork on a fishing
rod that was pulled straight down by an eating fish, as a kind of rocket
suddenly "upward" as if the fish spit the food/the hook. Totally
clear after a kind of sudden interrupted sleep again. And… could not sleep
anymore. Taking care of all kinds of situations, projects, problems, etc., both
business wise as well as private.
Now I know what I really did. I went on, the whole day
and evening and just even before going to bed, to get more and more information
about everything that was going on and to find solutions. In my work, in my family, in the small and
bigger world around, sometimes even a little bit in me. Falling asleep you
switch off the influences of your five main senses. That does not mean your
mind is at rest. Not at all. It’s still full speed working because I did not
give it a ‘cool-down’ period before I went to sleep.
Ever since I live and work in Thailand, I do not experience
any nights of insomnia any longer. They almost do not occur. My body just takes
the rest and time it wants/needs to recharge. I sleep well, sleep calmly and
sleep deep. Actually connected much more with the day and night rhythm of
nature. I wake up early by my biological clock. An alarm almost is not needed.
Insomnia is an effect. And if there is an effect then
there is also a source. Medications help in the fight against the impact of the
effect. Certainly, as a former firefighter, I know that it is many times better
not to fight the effect but to learn and be alert not to let the source arise.
And in my opinion, the fundamental and sustainable solution to stop insomnia you
can find in this source approach. A very natural and cheap solution I think as well.
It's great to know how things work and it's great too,
that pharmaceutical company’s offer pills, whether or not by a medical doctor,
that help you to sleep. In fact you start depending (at least in your mind) on
taking that pill and often such a pill makes you an addictive. It does not
really solve anything more than ‘a tissue for (ongoing) bleeding’.
The basis of insomnia lies in ourselves, in our
lifestyle and in the way we deal with our attention to situations. And yes,
experiences we have gained in the past and forms of primordial anxiety trouble
our minds and thus keep us from sleeping. We can wonder why babies (by far the
most) can sleep comfortably and not feel disturbed by where they are or what's
happening around them. So what did we do to ourselves? Why aren’t we able to
‘manage’ our sleep anymore?
I still remember our two kids during the carnival in
the Rodahal (a big party and events hall) in the city of Kerkrade (The Netherlands).
Hard music, very crowded, lots of singing, talking and fun. Lots of noises of
all kind of instruments. And both of them were lying, dressed as clowns, in a
corner of that place just on the ground. Out of their basic trust safe. Knowing
their parents where somewhere around, took care about the situation, the
feeling they were loved, and nothing could happen (I advise you not to sleep on
the street as I showed in the picture unless somebody that really cares about
you keeps an eye on the situation).
And actually also my dog, I see him as a kind of personal
Buddhist teacher, shows me he can sleep everywhere. Not suffering about the
past or worrying about the future (I guess).
our growth and education we are not aware that we do not know and recognize our
own information 'porter' or 'guard'. We do not know our 'switch-off' buttons
and mind calm down way. We throw an overkill of information inside as a sort of
trash into our head. We are overwhelmed by the hang to get information and ‘connection’
with everything and everybody in the world around us. Yes, we are addicted. We
have lost the rhythm of nature and started to live opposite. In the winter long
evenings (the opportunity to get more and longer rest) for instance we work
longer and harder. And in the summer (actually longer days and more energy of
the sun) we spend our time resting on the beach.
need to prepare yourself to sleep. Not just and only for that sleep but you
should be aware that it is a normal and natural part, a rhythm, of the day. Time
for action (Gold in Buddhism on the right hand side of the Buddha in relation
to day, sun and action. Silver in Buddhism on the left hand side of the Buddha
in relation to the night, moon and recharging necessary to build up wisdom).
Everything in an ongoing cycle. Everything in balance. To prepare for that
sleep, that rest, you need to keep the things in balance.
preparation for the night or the sleep has everything to do with calming down
the influences of the experiences and sensations of the day (instead of just even
more building up). To cool down as I mentioned earlier. Not to put extra
impulses by doing all kind of energy consuming mind things again. Calm down, relax. Go for a walk. Enjoy nature. Etcetera.
To let
go of all the things and influences from the outside world that keep the mind
(extra) busy. To give less attention. To give time before going to sleep for
emotions to fade away. To become the observer of your thoughts and not to jump
into the energy field or push away (meditation, for example, can offer you a
way to do that). To loosen your attention.
One of
my teachers a while ago said to me; "Frans, if you look back on your lifetime
so far, did all this worrying and suffering ever bring you any solution for
your problems? If you are honest to yourself you see you only created in your
mind more problems and situations that did never arrive. Not even trusting
yourself (and you can because you already survived a long time) you are always
ready and prepared to deal with every situation your mind is dealing with…
And yes looking at it this way, what a waste of (life) time. And
all the ideas, plans and plans+, that I created in my mind. They all in
practice worked out totally different and actually most of the times were much
less ‘destroying’ me and mild than I ever thought (during my actual night /
rest time). And so far, otherwise I was not able to write this blog, I
succeeded and am still alive. And out of that experience, it is better just to
stop it. To stop the craziness in your head. And the first step is to realize
you do it all to yourself. You are the source and not the world around.
solutions cannot be found in the outside world but only in yourself. Working on
tranquility and insight (understanding how things work) give you ‘enlightenment’
to make things light. To drop some weight from the burden on your back really
feels lighter. Becoming the guard (manager) of your own life is the art. One of
the main issues in that is to bring balance in life back again. To experience
that not having all this contacts, all this information, help you much quicker
to reach (and keep) this balanced mind than you think. All the disturbing ‘news’
items actually creating fear and unwholesome feelings and in between trying to
get your attention to buy again something to make you temporary happy
result? Step by step no more drugs/pills needed, a much better night's rest, getting
back the opportunity to sleep wherever you want or where, just like my children
during the carnival, it is possible if needed. A better connection during the
day. Higher quality of work and life, less mistakes, go with the flow.
See nature
and connect with it so you can use it as a mirror to follow and… Become the
master of your ‘connection toys’, your mobile devices (know how to switch them
off and just do it in the evening and during the night for example. Be the
guard of external influences and diminish impulses in the evening. For instance
no emails after dinner. Become the master of your mind, the master of your life
your insomnia. Do not fool yourself thinking that others or situations create
and created this for you. Only YOU are in charge. Change and customize your
lifestyle (just mirror on nature). Be aware that worrying is only a time-consuming
activity not helping you with anything. Trust yourself. It’s all and only in
your hands and you will survive and stay safe.
Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight
Captijn Insight: “Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life, love, family, business, career and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or organization.”