Friday, January 10, 2014

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated

Isn’t it a little bit stupid? It seems that we have become doubtful about anything that isn’t difficult in life.

Confucius once said: “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

The world grows only more complex. Complexity has taken over how we attempt to get things done. It looks like we can’t seem to do anything simply anymore. Making a decision, creating a plan, holding a meeting—all of these now involve complex and time-consuming processes. 

A once-simple process, in the present time, has become a “technique” and when possible must be done ‘SMART’. We debate instead of using dialogue.We become exhausted by the difficulty of these practices and frustrated by the lack of productive outcomes and quality. 

As soon as a simple process becomes a technique, it grows only more complex and difficult. Most of the time weakening creativity and inspiration. It never becomes simpler. 

We forget that we already know how to do simple things like thinking, planning and holding a conversation. Instead, we become meek students of difficult methods.

In the presence of so many specialized techniques for doing simple things, we’ve become suspicious of anything that looks easy. Often it’s wasting our time. If something’s so simple, why have we invested so much time and money in learning a complicated method? 
Simplicity has powerful partners: ‘common sense’, ‘creativity’ and engagement between people. 

People often laugh when they finally realize there’s a simple, common sense solution to a so called problem. It’s a laugh of relief—and of recognition. 

Real change begins with the simple act of people connecting. Talking to one another about what they care about. Conversations in which we express our fears and dreams can give birth to powerful actions that change lives and restore hope for the future.

It’s all very simple.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”

Friday, January 3, 2014

Is your world reality...?

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to do a program with two people from Dubai, who were, both private and in business a couple. People who know the life which we call Rat Race as their back-pocket.

After a fantastic nice and inspiring short time together they thanked me warmly for the insights they had gained by peace, relaxation and mirrors which I was allowed to keep before them. Not only gained they in business, but also in their family and as a couple. Both they and I have not only a nice feeling about it but it kept on growing by sharing. And ... they totally discovered it themselves.

Saying goodbye and thanking me afterwards gave perhaps the most beautiful insight. When they said goodbye to me they said they are going back (after these intense days) now  into 'the real world' and 'reality'. That comment made me silent for a moment and I looked at them questioningly. That moment of silence also brought them to rethink. I thanked by saying that I then obviously was not living in a real world and reality in their eyes ... They started a bit of a vague smile. One that I knew from my training that I followed as an actor and behind which a whole world of experience of their own choices was hiding.

The greatest discovery of their program was actually that you are responsible for your own choices and thus create your own reality in the world around you. And that is nearly always for once not easier said than done. If you truly look at  your general excuse . Your perception is your reality.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”