Friday, September 23, 2016

The limitation of the truth by our eighth sense.

A personal discovery to share.
To connect with the outside world we got our five main senses (watching, listening, smelling, tasting and touching). You can see them as your salesmen. Without even asking them they bring you, wanted or unwanted, information about the world around. Marketing (cultivating desires) a lot of times in a tricky and 'creative' way make use of them.
We can use this five senses to be (more) aware of the so called ‘present moment’, the here and now. And when you use your energy to be 100% present you can call that being mindful.

What I learned out of Buddhism is there are more than this five senses everybody knows. If we see our manifestation as ‘a company’ it makes it easier to explain and understand the three more senses who actually are of great influence to the way we respond to our outside world.

The sixth sense is our mind. You can see it as the General Manager of our existence. The mind is always available for us to help us so that nothing can go wrong. Without even knowing the mind is always present to help us to stay safe and to survive in any situation where we and up.

The seventh sense is our Ego. The director(s) of our company. There is nothing wrong with having an ego (sometimes it can be a sad experience to see how some people behave with their ego). Without an ego we cannot even exist. Our ego helps us to be part of and connect as the one we are with our environment and with other people.

Lots of people show up as different ‘directors’ in different situations. Plenty of times their acting behavior is related to their role or task. Often you hear that a person acts and reacts different at the workplace then at home or being together with friends. This actually shows that the ego is playing a game not to show who a person really is. You only have one personality but are able to show up in different situations in a different way by using your ego. So the person a lot of times is only acting in relation to his/her role or circumstances he or she is in. Sometimes I ask myself why people talk about a private life and a work life. Doesn’t both have to do with living life? Why is it necessary to show up different or to act as another person you really (authentic) are. Using our ego to express a higher status to other people can be a disgusting show. Narcissists even use their ego to fulfill their need for admiration to protect themselves against personal fear in lack of self-esteem.

The eight sense (shown as the laptop in the picture on top) is formed by our stakeholders. They formed our programming and are stored in our unconsciousness. The influences of our parents and ancestors, masters in life, culture, environment, religion and life experiences. We learned to live with it and they formed the base for our judging and labeling. Unaware we give this things attention and everything you give attention grows. So automatically we deal with this influences to scan all the situations we are in and to connect with the outside world giving us an idea of what is good or what is wrong (for us). Our eighth sense is helping us to judge and to label and so to form our truth. Not being open and willing to accept that your truth is true but the truth is much bigger than only your truth. 

Many years I worked in a political environment. An environment of debate and convincing or at least trying to reach a compromise. But there is no compromise, there is only a bigger truth. It's very hard working, sometimes even a fight, to change your outside world to your expectations. 

To feel more comfortable in the world around, it is not necessary to change the outside world. This can be a hard job to do with harmful effects.

It’s easier to take the time to look deeply into the situation we are in. To ask ourselves what is the source of not feeling comfortable or connected. We will find this has a lot to do with our programming, our eighth sense. We can ask ourselves if this source in programming is still serving us in the situation we are in or, if not, if we can change or skip this part of our programming. It’s much easier to change ourselves than our environment.

Be aware we have a deeper connection with our outside world than you maybe ever thought. 

Do not let your programming make yourself unwilling to discover your truth is true but the truth much bigger. What an enlightenment ;)!

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.” 

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