Friday, March 2, 2018

No rebirth (yet) and yet already a new name, a valued gift.

After living here in Thailand for about half a year, I came across a meditation teacher who had received a new (soul) name from his Buddhist teacher from India. I was curious about this and wanted to have a new name in relation to the activities in the field of meditation, life and talent coaching, Buddhist philosophy and later also yoga that I practice here. As well. However, that turned out to be easier thought and said than really done. I have ventured various attempts, went to a shaman, monks and even to the Buddhist University here in Chiang Mai and… did not succeed.

When I started my training to become a Kundalini Awareness Yoga teacher a couple of months ago, the school talked about the possibility to use your soul / spiritual name in your life and as a teacher. Not a necessary thing but a possibility.
Listening to that story my five year old ‘now sleeping’ wish woke up again. How is that possible I wondered? I tried already many times.

So talking about this my school made effort to get my soul name and after sharing some more personal background information they send a request. As I understood to a kind of gathering somewhere in India. The whole process (for me) took about six weeks waiting.

So recently, and after five years finally, this February 28th, I got out of India my soul name:

Gangey Gruma Báisjá.

(The wise man with humor and calmness in and to love, power and peace.)   

The explanation is: The sacred King of wisdom, power and peace. Whose soul reflects a calm and radiant energy.

Gangey = wise man of and in, love, humor and peace. Gruma means ‘I’ (Frans). The name Baisja is King of wisdom. The Chand (this are all the three parts of the name together) refers to "The wise man with humor and calmness in and to love, power and peace."   

I will use that name (Gangey Gruma) for sure linked to my purpose of being a catalyst in transformations.

So, maybe a strange story and possibly you cannot understand. No problem. You are up-to-date again.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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