I notice
already my whole life I get over and over and more and more signals from that
Universe. Sometimes so strong that some people occasionally became afraid of
it. I know the backgrounds of those forces and my children know much about it
I even notice
that I am regularly used as a kind of channel and several people who have done
programs with me got the experience during chats, coaching and exercises. They,
as well as I, many times got goose bumps.
And it is
only a matter of being silent and to open yourself up to make it happen and/or
to listen. Sometimes accompanied or initiated by a ritual. As for example,
working with my labyrinths. You can see it as, or compare it with, shamanism.
Nothing strange. I am still basically a constructional engineer and fire
officer, and I more than strongly rooted with two legs on and into the ground.
For me those
forces show that your life can not go wrong at all. That you are not just alone
and the only one behind the steer wheel of your life. There are forces that
want to work with you, who want to steer with you and are willing to influence
you to stay on the for you right track (sometimes not seen by yourself yet). Who
even keep an eye on you and protect you or give you better opportunities if
something seems to go wrong in only your eyes.
I could write
a book from my many experiences. And be sure that many people will say from
their programming; "Well, that Frans really totally lost his way being in
Thailand for already six years". I like to turn that statement around. I
found and find that way more and more;). It is a more than fantastic experience
and with it I support flow and insights in other people. Growing by sharing.
Last week
again some nice examples. I just want to share only one of them.
In 2010 my (Dutch) book: "Speurtocht naar persoonlijk meesterschap” (Search
for personal mastery) was published. In that book I wrote down several quotes
from interesting people in my life. Masters in my life for me. Teachers, people
I worked with and who brought me meaningful and inspiring things, thoughts and
insights. Things that made me think about the deeper meaning of a lot of things
in my life, things happening between people and in the world around me.
Last week I
received an e-mail from the wife of a pastoral worker (Bernard van Lamoen) from
Middelburg (The Netherlands) with whom I did a parishes merging project for a
big part of the Catholic community of Zeeland Province.
To my great
regret I heard that her husband had died at the end of December last year.
For me this
man had a beautiful and gentle deeper wisdom in many areas. And of course that
also had to do with his profession. Captivating and binding people.
He once made
a wonderful comment about "letting go". I included that wisdom in my
His wife,
whom I hardly know and only saw for the last time about seven years ago, is
still in the natural process of letting go. In her mail she writes me:
"Pondering and
walking through my room last week, during a moment of doubt, sorrow and loss, I
suddenly stood in front of our bookcase. My attention was drawn to your
inconspicuous book. I took the book in my hand and opened it exactly on page
110. There I found what I just needed at
that moment.
You quoted:
“Letting go
is a continuous exercise from fear to trust.
Let your fear
only warn you but not take over.”
(Quote of:
Bernard van Lamoen, Pastoral worker in Middelburg, June 21st 2009).
How beautiful
is this? "
For me, these
kinds of messages and emails from people are things that touch me deeply and matter.
Great that
the universe works, helps me and uses me to help others.
Captijn Insight. Catalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.
Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)
Captijn Insight. Catalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.
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