Friday, March 29, 2019

Insight in Synchronicity. Wonders, inside and outside of ourselves, that brought change to my personal life.

In October 2010 I had a severe traffic accident driving through an eight-kilometer long tunnel in the province I worked for in The Netherlands. A black-out. I wrote about this several times before in my week blogs already.

In retrospect, it was the last attempt of my body to wake me up: a final wake-up call to stop with the things I was doing and open up to what was waiting for me. Not an easy process I can tell you. A process that took a long, 13-months, time. Actually it’s still going on.

Without even having noticed it myself and step by step, I was completely out of my (holistic) balance. Yes, I was a manager at that time. It turned out managing my own life was something different and I needed to learn a lot about that. Up to that point I never gave that process the right attention.

So what kind of manager was I when I was not even able to manage my own life? Now I know I am not the only one…

I was out of balance. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and also causally, I was living in an imbalance of energy givers and energy drainers: Giving too much and receiving too little.

Conclusion? A burn-out and not a small one.

Too late or maybe just in time. In my life so far I discovered that the universe has a fantastic synchronicity. A main insight. This synchronicity makes sure that everything moves and interacts with everything else. Miracles happen around us in a continuing stream. You only have to stand still for a moment and take the time to look or even better to look deeper. And this synchronicity clearly has to do with me, with us. Many wanted, and sometimes also unwanted, gifts are waiting for us...

The question is, how does that relate to us? Do we see those wonders, inside and outside of ourselves, and how do we deal with them? If we are too busy or our mind is too hectic, the magic of the moment can completely escape to us.

Synchronicity also works in this way; If one door, wanted or unwanted, closes for you, another door automatically will open itself. A new, until then unknown, space, full of previously unknown chances and opportunities unfolds for you.

Now, looking back, I can say that that this accident was not unfortunate at all. It was painful at that time and during the period of recovering (or maybe better to say letting go). But synchronicity brought me here, in Asia, to my mission. I now have a much higher feeling of happiness/bliss, and find myself in an environment that suits me even more.

As I look back on my life until now, everything that happened was necessary to create the person that I am now and to bring or keep me on the life path I much more consciously can walk.

And what the world is thinking of me or what people can read on the internet? That is up to the world. I am the only one who knows the real stories. I can now laugh about everyone else's interpretations. For me there is nothing to feel or be ashamed of.

If the sun did not rise for me tomorrow… I did it!
I am Living (with a capital “L”) a much more engaged, happy, connected, life and lifestyle.

I am studying, developing, giving things a try, constructing and growing by sharing.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Make your life easier Everything is temporary. Holistic health is your main asset

Be smarter than I was! Having and keeping a balanced holistic health is your main asset.
Why did I need an accident to discover the real value of life?

If you are like I am, every year you have to face the mirror and gauge the value of your life. Family members, close friends or acquaintances who got incurable illnesses, got in an accident, a stroke or heart attack, and - despite all their dreams - suddenly passed away?

In a hurry we run to the funeral or cremation ceremony to show respect and, after a very brief look in that mirror that showed us again the value of our lives, we run our life again the same old way. Nothing learned. What about respecting ourselves?

In the period of my recovery, a period that I am actually still in, I discovered that health is a very suitable goal to pursue in my life. And not just health but the holistic approach to health. On this website you will find much more about this. Health is your biggest asset.

Good or better holistic health means an adaptation of your lifestyle. And for that you do not have to exaggerate your efforts or overdo it by suddenly start running or going to a fitness center. It must be a step by step (Kaizen) process that you enjoy and look forward to.

You eat healthier, are more conscious of physical activity, pay more attention to your private-work balance, take time for yourself, etc . This also means that you will feel better, live longer, be happier and make better decisions for yourself and your family.

Simplifying your life is a big step forward.
There are many messages in our society, the marketing industry first and foremost, that tell us, even when we're young people, that there's something wrong with us and that if we just buy the right product, or look a certain way, or have the right partner, that will fix it. Take a random magazine in your hands and you will notice approximately 60%, or more of the content, will tell you that you need something to be 'better', to become 'more beautiful' or 'happier'. Wake up! You are beautiful (and unique) the way you are. Being yourself, and therefore - be happy about this - different from everyone else because that is your uniqueness Advertisers do not recognize this fact there is no money to be made. So if you want to continue to strive for that 'accepted' uniformity, then go on working on that and pay your price.

The simpler your lifestyle and the less your demands on others, the less tense you are and the more you are open to others. You also have more time for yourself, your family and friends. One of the best ways to get a more peaceful mind is to simplify your needs and desires. Most of us are surrounded by things we never really need, we only keep them 'just in case'.

"Do away and enjoy"

Gandhi gave this as an answer when he was asked to summarize the message from the greatest sacred writings of India, the Bhagavad Gita. He called that short summary "Do away and enjoy" the secret of happiness.

From the beginning of the history of mankind, wise people in every culture continually discovered that true happiness can never be found in the constant desire for more.
There are more important things in life than just "stuff'."

Everything is temporary.
Everything is only temporary. You actually do not own anything either. You only have items on loan for a while. Once again you will leave and give back everything.

And everything you have can be taken away from you. Do you really need all those things in your life? What is the most reliable in your life now?
Think back to the three most important moments of happiness so far in your life. You may discover that they occurred because you were receptive to the beauty of life, and not because you had possessions, power or success. Maybe your happiness is closer than you think!

If you build your life on trustworthy and sustainable things like love and friendship, they cannot be taken away by anyone or anything.

I now know both sides of lifestyle and I experience a simpler life as many more times richer. Henry David Thoreau describes it as:

"As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler;
loneliness will not be loneliness,
poverty will not be poverty
nor weakness weakness."

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Chiang mai. For weeks world leader in air pollution. Is there a way to stop this?

(Updated April 2, May 1, 10, 14, 21 May & June 3, 2019/2562)
I told my neighbor yesterday morning that I could not believe birds still wake me up singing their great songs. They need air for that and I am sure they must be suffering a lot as well. Sad to see last week a couple of times the normally beautiful and healthy Chiang Mai was world leader in air pollution. And, updating this blog Sunday 31st, I can tell the situation went even worse. Causing me headache, sour throats and restless nights. Officially it is not declared a disaster or state of emergency but actually, according to European standards, it is already for weeks an (inter)national (health) disaster. 

Thai national news agencies mention foresters tell many turtles, birds, snakes, other animals, yes even peacocks who want to protect their nests with eggs and because of that stay in the forest, are already found dead. Killed by the fires. Also dogs and cats are suffering a lot and many of them do not eat has been told (actually the same way as my own dog is not doing at the moment).

At the Buddhist University here in Chiang Mai I learned that the Buddha was inspired by nature. Living here and being mindful in and with nature more and more, I know and understand why. That’s why it is hard to see people use the forests as garbage dump and every year again, for a period of nearly two months, burn the ground vegetation and everything that is living there down. Causing tremendous amounts of pollution. Inspiration gone, tourists and customers gone, living beings suffering. Even the sun has trouble to pass the smoke layers. 

In the beginning of the year 2000 I was a member of an inspection team for the European Union to check a project about sustainable health and safety in Nonthaburi province and the city Pak Kret in Thailand. It was great to see how children from primary and secondary school showed they understood environmental care.
That was not everything. They created most creative ways to share with their parents and local communities how to take care in a better and sustainable way. Healthcare, starting with the source.
When I see now… this new generation still does not succeed so far and health, nature and wildlife are suffering a lot and being destroyed. A high price for only next mushroom harvest?

Land owners start the fires in the night because actually it is not allowed to burn now and nobody is there to check their actions. Air Quality Indexes raising in the nighttime to outrageous values much higher than in daytime. And also now during daytime as the picture (International PREM school at noon air pollution) shows to ‘Hazardous’. I don’t know how it is to study. Being in the hospital? Sad to see the extremely high pollution levels the map shows especially at those places. Mountain View? Where are they? Not visible anymore. Walking through the forest with my dog turned out to be in a moon landscape of burned trees, bamboo and black leafs. The amazing Thai elephants in many surrounding places will be not happy too and it is sad to see tourists walking around with masks 'enjoying' their holidays.

People who use a mask most of the time use the wrong type. And when I show myself in the village with my mask people are laughing. They do not care and seems to be used to this yearly bad living condition. What can we do about it? Just accept.
Talking with them they say it’s not Thailand but the surrounding countries and that our village does not burn. I laugh and ask them if I should show them the pictures of it…

Yes it is true, the whole South-East of Asia is burning. It is said it is culture but actually it is ‘only’ from the last couple of decades. People say the government has to do something on it. But is this true? Isn’t it just a change of behavior? Every person knows, in my opinion even without education, the basic thing breathing (so living) beings need is air. This burning behavior harms nature and mankind. Their lovely children, themselves and the huge group of elderly family members. Father, mother, grandfather and grandmother especially in this culture they appreciate and even admire a lot. And yes, many animals as well.

I live next to a resort that uses the slogan: “One stop destination for healthy living” actually it is. Exercising and enjoying your fitness bootcamp holidays? This normally is the place to be. Working on your health and/or being more fit under this conditions for sure is a very hard job.

The pharmaceutical industry and companies like 3M make over-hours on medicines, sprays, protection masks, air purifiers, etc., to deal with the pollution and stay ‘healthy’. For them it is big business. Chiang Mai’s tourist industry will not be happy with it at all I guess.

People, especially foreigners, living here easily use to say: “If you do not like it, go back to your home country”. For me that’s a bit too easy. Yes, I know it is part of the deal of living here but for me it does not say just sit down in the pub, take another beer relax (if even possible) and just accept everything. Chiang Mai counts around 100.000 (Source CNX immigration) so called Farang (foreigners) who live here on their yearly visas permanently. This is without the huge amount of tourists who visit. So I guess its appreciated to work in cooperation on solutions.
Is there a way to stop this pollution and unnecessary killing of animals and softly killing humans? 

I think there is.
During the EU-project check I discovered the basic attention was related to the source and not to the effect. Still I think this is the right way. Basically no government or rules necessary. It is just getting the understanding (and especially the will) to stop this softly killing of this beautiful country (even our planet) and making people and animals sick (or more).

Actually it is a wonderful 'show' done by the the good willing civil protection to drive around in the city with water spraying firetrucks and water cannons who spray two times a day at Thapae Gate Square to drop the pollution levels? No way. This problem is too serious. And yes I know, you have to show the good will and I appreciate but everybody knows you are showing to do something but knowing you do nothing. Somebody standing next to me even called the actions a 'waste of water'. Not even celebrating Song Kran (Thai NewYear celebration and water festival). 

Actually, when you see this all around in many Northern Thailand provinces, Laos, Myanmar, and many other ASEAN and ASEAN related countries there is something else to do. Cooperation between countries and just STOP the burning. Start with the source. Stop talking and start doing. Start at the beginning of the chain. That's the behavior, the insight and understanding of people. And if you need rules, actually a shame, but control them and come into action. Too sad to see many police officers doing their work at check points at the roads and not even 50 meters away people without getting any problems starting new fires. And thousands, willing, military who can help to keep an eye on what's going on stay in their barracks.

And yes, there are always optimistic people like my Chinese neighbor who is telling me in China things are worse ??? But not this weeks as the ranking shows. And the last couple of days also she closed her doors and windows and I hear her coughing. So yes, the situation must be bad. And be sure I am a very optimistic person as well but it's hard to stay many weeks optimistic under this bad health circumstances. 

May 1. The air pollution is still going on. Sad to experience on a daily base for hours red 'Unhealthy' pollution levels although the rating very slowly is getting down day by day. Still the visibility is bad and the situation not under control. Yesterday at several places around Mae Rim and Chiang Mai new forest fires. Very bad to see at Mae Taeng, a place about 15 kilometers north of were I live, hazardous pollution levels on April 31 2019 again. I feel sorry and can understand this does make the beautiful North of Thailand less attractive for tourists during February, March and April. There need to be a change in this 'cultural' burning.

May 10. Too sad for words. The official 'ban' on burning is over. I ask myself if that really matters but still. Believe it or not. This crazy show goes on. At several places the mountains are burning. Around the place were I live even same places that were burned before now are set on fire for the second time. How is it possible people go on making Chiang Mai and the north of Thailand less and less attractive and more an more unhealthy to live. 

Seeing this sign and having year after year this 'burning season' experience the thought came in my mind this slogan maybe is true for nine months every year. The ongoing toxic smoke production for about three months, from about half February till half May every year, ruins the health of everybody who lives up in the North as well as the health and pleasure of tourists that like (I hope because of this they do not stay away) to visit this normally so wonderful place. It is too crazy to keep your doors and windows closed for three months and (if you can afford it) to have air purifiers running day and night in your house. Going outside to wear a special mask to protect you. This really needs to stop. 

This wonderful place we are allowed to live and the beautiful people and nature are worth it and deserve it. Punishing, in my opinion, does not work. It has to do with insight and understanding. For this, how hilarious maybe, you only need common sense. Also our next generations want to make use of this beautiful place and planet isn’t it?
Make the world a better (and healthier) place? Start with yourself. A slogan for all of us, so also for me. I am sure this will not solve the problem in Chiang Mai but you need to start somewhere.

Not that I am the wise man that knows the solution. Nor am I or do I want to be a kind of savior of our planet. Together we can is my slogan. So I am happy to share my personal background and knowledge and to give input to stop this craziness that’s going on every year again to keep this wonderful place healthy and, as the Buddha used to use it, inspirational.

May 14, 2019. After more than three months and three nights of heavy rain, the sky seems to get clear again. And of course that pollution is not gone. Now spread to the environment and absorbed by the rain into the ground. Visibility is coming back again. Masks can finally be removed and air purifiers in the houses can be switched off for a while. Windows and doors open to change the air to breath. Really needed. 

May 21, 2019. Cheered a bit too early. The last four nights the burning continued in full speed. Yesterday in Mae Taeng sad to see how the mountains and hills are still covered in thick smoke layers. It appears to be early morning fog and the practice is different. Several people I know still suffer with their lungs and are coughing a lot. The last nights we had to close windows and doors again because the smell of the burning has become irritating in several respects. Early this morning I woke up from the crackling of wood and bamboo in the forests around us. Again a huge fire. And when I went out with the dog, this was the result of the pollution on my scooter.

Three and a half months now. Too sad ...

3 June. This morning for the first time we were able to clearly see from here the hills of Chiang Dao again. Exactly the same as on the picture a little bit above. A very persistent substance that smoke. Weeks with rain were needed to knock this heavy pollution down. Saturday June 1 I was in Doi Saket and as a big surprise I saw another (repeating) phenomenon, burning the rice fields again to prepare for the new harvest. Pollution levels going up again. 
Sad to see that the city of Chiang Mai has never been so empty of tourists in years. The worst low season in years is said by hotel owners, restaurants and shops. Guests please feel welcome to come again because we can breathe fresh air in this so beautiful area.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, March 8, 2019

"The cancer I got was a gift."

Did I hear this right? Yes I did.

In May 2014 I did a ten day buddy/companion program with a guest from the USA. A retreat to deepen, discover more and to focus on yourself. Part of her program was finding her life mission.
She had several very responsible jobs in international projects and worked at many countries all over the world.

Three weeks ago, after nearly five years, I got an email again from her with a request to have a Skype contact. We did last February 22nd. A little puzzle because of 12 hours’ time difference and we managed.

I felt happy because obviously her insights of the program were still very much alive. Also a little bit excited to hear her story from the last five years and the reason for her contact.

After saying hello again the first thing in her new introduction she said was: “The cancer I got was a gift for me.”

This opening of our conversation for me felt a bit as a shock. I did not get a long time to think about it because she continued that she is a survivor of a one and a half year severe cancer.
She told me in her opinion one does not simply become ill. She discovered the journey into illness that embraces the depths of emptiness. She has asked herself many times, what created this sense of emptiness and she told me she found out. It was not the illness. It was not the pain. It was not fear of the unknown. The emptiness for her was the lack of living her defined life mission.  

When she first defined her mission during the program, five years ago, she could touch the idea but could not visualize the actual mission. She could not see how and was not ready yet to implement it because she was afraid of failure and did not believe that happiness was within her grasp.

Her cancer brought her back on track and now she is ready to begin (or maybe I need to say to continue) this chapter of her life’s mission. She can visualize it. She knows where she is going, and better yet, she understands that if she does not get there, the journey itself will nourish her soul.
She was very excited and wanted to share her plan with me. Just as a mirror. And she will do it. She has a three month sabbatical leave to work it out and is sure she will find her new way. I will follow it from a distance.

The contact and our conversation with her brought me back to my own story. The accident I got driving through The Westerschelde Tunnel in The Netherlands, end of 2010, got me ‘out of service’ for over thirteen months. A struggle, a fight to come back ‘on the same stage’ and I did not succeed. At that moment I felt it as failure and did not believe happiness was within my grasp either.

Now I say it was the best thing that could have happened to me. It brought me back on the track of my mission and of LIVING my life. There was no other possibility then to face what life was all about. What really is important in my life and how I could use my life in an even better way to share and grow.

Sometimes, especially when we are involved in hard situations, we do not see any light on the end of the tunnel of our life. But some tunnels are curving. A colorful outcome, like the tree on this picture, can be waiting for us. 

Having my own experiences and having worked with many guests from all different parts of the world I know that if you not follow your life mission, it will make you ill. What is life about for you?

No need to get an illness or accident to follow and share your uniqueness in life. To learn and be yourself. No need to be someone else. Everybody else is already taken…

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Still happy together. Celebrating gratefulness of relationship on a daily base.

During my visit to Perth one evening we went to a place called Rockingham to see the sunset.
Walking on the boulevard with my daughter and her friend it amazed me to see many senior couples walking hand in hand strolling the boulevard or sitting on a bench having a chat with each other. Not a show or acting. Real enjoying the scenery each other and having great conversations.

At a certain moment I stopped. My daughter’s boyfriend was surprised to see me walking towards a couple (on the picture) and start a chat with them. My daughter told him with a smile not to be amazed and told him this is totally normal behavior for me.

Yes, this was actually always my personal intention but in my relationships so far I did not succeed. Talking with this couple, and they were not the only ones, I discovered this people consequently celebrated life and their relationship together on a daily base. They knew they run out of time and being still happy together every day is a day to be thankful for that. Nothing to hide their happiness together, still walking hand in hand.

Really amazing. So many senior couples. I am sure they also got problems in their relationship(s) but so far they happened to find working solutions and succeeded.
At the Buddhist University one of the teachers once told us; “There is always more, there is always better, in and with everything. There is always a more beautiful husband or wife. It is never ending. Maybe you can be happy and satisfied or even grateful with what you have and enjoy that.”

No, I think, our separation was a right step. The season was over although we tried to extend it. We gave and got many beautiful gifts from each other. The time was there our mutual way parted to offer each other new individual chances and changes to grow and develop in freedom.

And maybe that was what touched me that evening watching this couples. A bit jealous that it is possible and sad I did not succeed so far.
Freedom in bond. I mentioned in earlier in one of my blogs. Hand in hand living free your own life together. Making each other even happier. No jealousy but trust and support. Not needy or dependent without the other.
Holding hands, leaving hands. Leaving hands in the understanding the hand of the other person is always available and waiting to hold your hand again and the different way around. Not lonely but all-one and strong. Most times happier and even stronger together.

Still together in a close and happy relationship. Gratefulness to celebrate on a daily base.

I have been on the road again for a while to be able to experience the same.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.