Friday, April 12, 2019

Money, servant or master (slave)

Last week I had a chat about the necessity of money. All in relation to the season of Lent before coming Easter.

Although some people showed the world already you can live without I think for most of us it is not a realistic option. On the other hand this same amount of people is not even aware how money has become their master or better to say their slave in life. Wanting more and more and more. A process that never stops because there is never an end or enough.

Living in the country I live, Thailand, especially at the country side you really can find and connect with financial poor people. In another way, living life more aware and in connection because of their different lifestyle, I believe they are much richer. They know and live all the food we eat comes from the earth and for me often it is a miracle how these people can make the most delicious (and healthy) dishes without buying anything. They just share, sow and harvest. Live a community live in face-to-face interaction with each other and are available for each other and know how to be there to take care.  
The internet helps them to believe this richness is not true and right because they need to buy to be happier.

Once I heard a saying: “The economy is there to serve the people and not the other way around.” For me there is a lot of wisdom in this sentence. I invite you to contemplate a moment on this saying and to see what insights it brings to you.

Money in the present world is less and less seen as a servant but more and more as a master. Used in this way money distracts us from what’s really important in life. The most valuable (and for many people also most important) things in life don’t cost any money. For example, air, happiness and/or love.

Money as a master can become our slave in the systems of for instance status, ranking, power, corruption and temporary self-satisfaction. To keep the outside show running many people are trapped in high debts not understanding they do not make their lives more valuable but long term even worse.

In the last seven years, not in my job anymore, learning a different way of (less attached and with less desires) lifestyle I took steps back to money as a servant again.

For me it feels as a relief and freedom to connect more with the most valuable things in my life that really matter for me. More the software than the hardware so to say. Less can be so much more… An enrichment.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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