Friday, August 9, 2019

For your right (new) living environment, if you want to move or emigrate, you have to feel at home three times.

A guest from Singapore with whom about 1½ year ago I worked with about discovering his talents, gifts & life mission, visited me here again. He had already taken some solid steps in his discovered purpose of life.

In "the hero’s journey - as I always express it - he had now come to the point of devoting more attention to the for him right living environment. Born in Taiwan, he had lived, studied, and worked in many places in the world. Maybe it's time to settle down now he explained to me.

In the dialogue that arose about his right living environment, we discovered that you should actually be able ‘to come home’ three times. It is very easy to make a list in which you will put pluses and minuses in relation to various places where you could or would like to live. And yet in practice it appears that that doesn't work at all. Usually that list includes rational matters and sometimes emotional matters. And although you could add a + or a - factor to that and calculate the outcome, it still doesn't work. Surprisingly, for example, you will discover that culture is not comparable. With work offerings exactly the same. And what about starting to live further away from your family if you are family oriented? Really also every different matter has a kind of quality factor and those quality factors are different for everyone. The surprise lies in the fact that if you were to look at the results of that rational list, you would start to laugh. The outcome, most times, does not at all feel good. Do you read? FEEL good?

Not surprising because the right environment for you, the older you get, increasingly has to do with feeling and not with reason. With your connection and interaction. With the energy that you experience in a new place.
The more you avoid the influence of that feeling, actually give less attention to feeling then to ratio, the sicker you make yourself. And when you are young you are often much more flexible in accepting (or how you can deal with this) than when you get older. And here too the statement gets for that everything you give attention grows. So, if you consciously want less of a specific disruption or energy draining, then those disruptions stand out much more and more often. They increasingly grow making you step by step less comfortable.

The right environment for you is all about "feeling at home". And so, that’s a feeling and not a reasoning or rational approach to what you think is best for you.

We discovered that if you really want the most optimal and fitting living environment for yourself, you have to be able to come home three times. And you can make all these three steps simple or sometimes less simple. A lot depends on yourself. Your own alignment and attitude. I will come back to this a little later.

1. Feel at home in yourself
2. Feel at home in your house or room
3. Feel at home in your living and working environment

Feel at home in yourself
Feeling at home in yourself has a lot to do with knowing who you really are and knowing yourself both inside and out. Taking time for yourself, how you feel, where that feeling comes from, standing still for a moment, taking sufficient rest, keeping yourself in mental and physical balance are important parts in this.  And you can easily work on it yourself. A matter of making choices. For example, meditation can be helpful in this.

Feel at home in your house or room
Feeling at home in your house or room has to do with your private place (at least I hope you have this privacy somewhere). How is it arranged, what kind of things in that space make you feel at home there? What gives you energy in that space, what peace or maybe even the unrest if you need it. What keeps you in balance. Is it cleaned up or just a mess (it's just what you feel most comfortable in)? And believe it or not. Your house or room and how it looks, especially from the inside, offers the mirror of who you really are. It is very easy to enrich the energy inside a house or room. You can do that with the help of light & darkness, with color, decorations, plants, furniture, even crystals, etc. It doesn't have to cost a lot and it doesn't have to be all new. Maybe, so far, you are not even aware what a tremendous influence the space in which you live has on how you feel and your wellbeing. Again, it is all about feeling, energy. Often within a few weeks you really can feel a total change...

Feel at home in your living and working environment
Feeling at home in your living and working environment is often more difficult to change. Indeed, you could change jobs or move. These are often somewhat rigorous measures. And yes, they work great. By the way, know that in a different job or residential location you will eventually find something new that may bother you and still... change on regular times does not have to be a bad thing...
You can also make better use of your living and working environment. For example, if you feel good in nature, why not go along or through that park in your town or village or go jogging in the forest instead of through the streets when you go to work?

Your own alignment and attitude towards moving and your new environment
A different living environment brings many new influences. Certainly, if you were to emigrate. Cultural competencies ‘walk in’ as well.
Cultural Competence means understanding, adapting, accepting, and appreciating the new area or maybe even country and its people.

If you resist, complain, compare, and avoid, you’ll miss your former country because you are gone, and you will miss the joy, discovery and adventure of the new place/country because you are not really there either. 

I have been able to live and work in many places. Just discovered I already six times bought a new house in my life and I am in the mood of change again. Where I live now in Thailand gives me the feeling of being at home three times. And that brings a feeling of happiness (peace of mind). I sleep well, I live and do my activities with great pleasure, I enjoy everything around me intensely and I feel especially healthy. And the latter, I know, is and always will be only a kind of snapshot. In a split-second, things can change.

And that is why I always go to sleep with a thank you and gratefulness of getting again another day. A day with again a great LIVE experience in the for me great LIVING environment here.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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