Friday, August 21, 2020

A divorce ritual. Great idea.

On YouTube I just saw the free movie “Just Breath”. I thought a thriller but that turned out differently. A really catchy theme that appealed to me in relation to divorce issues.

The movie takes you into the behavioral and parental problems of a daughter from a broken family. The focus is on her and actually, at the end of the film that is said literally, it is not her fault at all, but her parents are the source.

The reason it appealed to me so much was that we (my former wife and I) too, out of love, were blessed and able to bring two fantastic kids into this world. They are world citizens now. Our love affair turned into hate and this movie also shows what and how that looks like. Communication not possible anymore because of a deep-rooted and two-party feed past. Children who, especially when one of the parents falls in love with someone else again, and in the movie the new couple being even pregnant again, totally lost direction and felt lonely.

It is only normal that children get lost a little. And the easiest thing is to point at them where that finger should actually be pointing at Mom and Dad.

A more than sensible new partner in the movie, who knows how to handle it despite all the difficulties. Hats off and a lot to learn from (also by me). What a sensible and resilient sweet woman.

Her idea of ​​going for a divorce ritual is fascinating and effective. Children need to know that they were born out of love and have a voice in the whole process, however the age they may have.

OSHO said it all already. You can thank each other for the time together because you both opened new doors for each other. New visions of life that you could never have opened on your own. Love has no beginning or end. If you know how to love, you also know how to separate. That is not in anger, not in rage, not with a grudge, not with any complaint, but with tremendous gratitude, with great love, with thankfulness in the heart.

“Just Breath” a good mirror with a lot of lessons for when you are in a process of divorce or when you have completed such a process. And that divorce ritual at the end of the film ... not a crazy thought. Also to let your children know that there was once love between each other and the divorce was not meant to hurt your children but to allow freedom (to breath) in ongoing love.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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