Friday, October 30, 2020

My outside world is getting smaller and smaller. My inner world, on the other hand, is growing.

The world is getting more and more “insane” my sister and I noted in a conversation recently. And of course, that is, let me speak for myself, my opinion (maybe it has only to do with me). Perhaps it has always been this way and now we hear things more quickly. And whether everything we hear is true or has only been distorted by politics, power and the media, that too remains a guess.

I sometimes wonder if people ever agree with something. We complain, demonstrate, whine as if we (often afterwards) know everything better. Not to mention respect for others. World leaders who behave even less than as small children towards each other and an outside world that laughs at that.

Today's world is all about buying, technology and investing. About money and power. That makes the economy healthy and people so often sick. What do you mean progress? Ask nature.

And all those wonderful friendships, network contacts and family relationships that we have and show on social media, when it really matters, often turn out to be very thin. After all, deep below the surface, in most cases it ultimately revolves around "I".

And yes, that those contacts "dilute" is certainly also because of me. After all, it is my choice, for example, to live abroad. I feel home. But sure, it is "far" from my former world. Or to no longer be on social media and to follow the news, flooded by advertisements, as little as possible. Too much and too great a continuous flow of negativity.

The world around me is also getting smaller and to be honest it also feels a bit lonelier (but certainly not alone). It is partly the result of my own choices.

The photo accompanying this blog is of a painting “Inner World” by Artist Jaswant. He says he meditates by painting and paints by meditating and that the inspiration for his work is the miracle of life. Those statements resonate with me. I recognize a lot of similarities in the totally changed lifestyle that I have been able to choose and live.

Although, or perhaps because, my outside world is getting smaller, my inner world is growing. Growth through inner exploration, admiration of nature as a teacher. Time and attention for what I am doing, the love ones in my life and for myself. Grateful for and deepening through what is made by my hands, what talents I can and may share, and what insights I discover of the miracle of life.

And that certainly has a reason ...

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, October 23, 2020

You have to learn to live with it? No way!

I still remember how my father nearly only worked with patients in his massage practice who had been advised by the doctors; “You have to learn to live with it”. It made him energetic. And not only he, but certainly also his patients who entered his world received new energy and improved visibly from his approach.

His world, another world. Not a world that I would call alternative. A world of genuine attention (time for his patients), new possibilities, energy exchange, movement and a change of mindset. Not that the Western medical approach did not appeal to him or that he contradicted it. Far from it. Doctors were almost "holy" to him.

He literally opened up a new world of different methods and solutions and especially hope and faith. And no, that wasn't deceiving anyone. After all, everything comes to an end so also your life. He was that realistic and you have to be as well. With and through his approach and influence, it was indeed a different, better, quality of life for his patients than they had experienced up to that moment.

He soon realized that the statement “You just have to learn to live with it” meant nothing more than that in the Western medical system, the Western world and culture, the solutions had run out and the toolbox to be able to do something else simply was empty. But that was just the toolbox from that world. And that was not an end, but a beginning to open doors to other worlds. Not new, but actually very old other. After all, you are free to make a different choice.

He knew the reasons why the body could become attractive, literally a breeding ground, for disease and viruses. Such as mental and emotional stress, negativity (what about the continuous flow of negative information that you are exposed to every day), physical trauma, excessive use of alcohol, smoking or drugs, unhealthy food and especially being inactive. If there is no balance between all those things, your body becomes a magnet for diseases.

It all came to my mind when a friend here in Thailand sent me a presentation on empowerment.

If you are in the Western World then you go along with that system. Nothing wrong with that of course. But with the word "cancer", for example, have you ever considered that this is a very Western term that comes from Western culture and is linked to Western research methods and treatment methods?

A term that almost immediately evokes fear. It sucks energy out of you and that actually makes your body even sicker. It often makes you too tired to look in other worlds for solutions. After all, the standard approach is chemotherapy and radiation and if you deviate from them, the outside world will "help" you to tell you that you are crazy. Another negative impulse.

An approach and treatment in a world like India is different, and one in China too. There are so many ways and solutions

My father's world was different. From his studies and experiences, he knew those "distant" other possibilities. In addition, he was very adept at getting people to change their mental limitations in their thinking.

He knew that systems from other worlds worked and that it just had to do with how those systems resonate with your mind. How you really believed in it and how strong you were to sometimes be able to row against the influence of your Western outside world. The collaboration between your body and your mind is unique and powerful. With his knowledge and expertise he was a master at stimulating that process sincerely.

The world and culture in which you live is too small to assume that you (in most cases) have to learn to live with your ailment.

There are so many different worlds with possibilities on our planet. They only have to resonate with you. A matter of empowering. 

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, October 16, 2020

More and more early (bird) yoga and meditation spectators

Every morning around 6 AM I start with meditation and around one hour of yoga. Happy to have the labyrinth now for it to use as well. 

We are about nine month in the process of creating things at our site in Surin, Thailand. First disturbing the nature and animal world a little bit. Animals are curious and come to see what's all going on. A bit scared at first sight but... things are changing. 

They happen to understand we come to live in and join their environment and are not there to scare them or to be afraid of. So, more and more they seem to accept and feel more comfortable coming to have a closer look. 

For us it's really nice to be spectators of their acting. But actually, so early in the morning, it is nice to see I get more and more 'friends' looking at me doing yoga. A wonderful nature experience. 

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Petite Chartres Labyrinth in Surin, Thailand

Proud to have the opportunity to make an announcement in this week’s blog.

October 4th, nascent Pyramid House Thailand in Surin is home of a Petite-Chartres Labyrinth.

Together with my girlfriend I created this labyrinth. For me the fifth in my life.
A labyrinth is an archetype, a divine imprint. Walking it you are rediscovering a long-forgotten mystical tradition. Labyrinths offer you the opportunity to walk to that place within yourself where the rational merges with the intuitive and the spiritual is reborn.

Although we hope to stay healthy to go on with the process of building our pyramids for a couple of years, the labyrinth is already there. 
Many people already asked us why one of the first steps in our building process is building the labyrinth. This has everything to do with getting and keeping the right energy at our site, the use of it for our daily yoga and meditation exercises, and future attraction and visibility of our place.

Since personal development courses, one in Chartres (France) around 14 years ago for my past job, I feel a special connection and invitation in working with labyrinths. Lots of wonderful personal and guest experiences I have so far working with the classic and medieval labyrinths I have built at the health resort in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

Although we build the labyrinth at our private location, we invite visitors, after making an appointment, to get the wonderful experience of the labyrinth as well and/or do Samatha and Vipassana meditation. We welcome them to our labyrinth as walking meditation, a spiritual practice of simply an opportunity to calm the mind and enjoy peace, quiet and reflection. 
We are very willing, if wanted, to give the necessary background information and guidelines for walking and use.

To stimulate this, October 6th already, our labyrinth is shown online at the World Wide Labyrinth Locator (for a link click here). 

We also, will start in the near future with Labyrinth (Kundalini) yoga, singing bowl sessions, connective dance and working with the labyrinth in combination with our campfire-place.

Happy to share this part of our process is ready for use now.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Pay less, less hassle, less blah, blah, blah and yet… keep borrowing, get into debt, with all the misery that entails. You imprison yourself.

I don't know what it is but every day, despite my blockers, cleaners and virus scanner on my laptop, my spam box on my gmail is filling up. And yes, of course with all kinds of nonsensical marketing.

90% Is about taking out personal loans and paying less. As if life is all about buying more or new to become and stay happy. We have to show the outside world that we can go with the masses.

Where I live, it seems to be the case that more than 90% of, for example, cars, scooters, mopeds and even cell phones have been financed. Installment and personal loans. High and low interest rates. Most people are head over heels in debt and don't seem to want to understand that you have less to spend every month because of… your payments you need to do extra. They choose that beautiful and sometimes shiny show to the outside world with things that you really can't afford and in many cases actually don't need at all.

As a child I learned from my parents that if you didn't have the money for something you couldn't buy it. And if you still wanted to buy something not having the money yet, you start with saving first. Borrowing or buying on installment (with interest)… that was not an option. Yes, only for a house.

Do not live "beyond your means" I was invariably told. And that temporary extra discount as a attraction, indicates that you actually always had to pay way too much and therefore simply got ripped off. After all, a lot money is still being made during the "sale" with discounts sometimes up to 70% or more.

Almost every day I delete all those stupid "offers", "just for me", from my spam box. Why should they stay there for 30 days to be automatically deleted?

Let others earn from your misery in the end? Temporary "fun" and end up tightening the reins for a long time? Jail yourself financially for some (short) pleasure? You're not crazy, aren't you? No financial debt is much more beneficial and ultimately feels (for me) much better.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.