completely different, that almost literally came floating on top during a work
program, in this context, the term "underwater profile.
The first day of a new job, employers and employees usually are the most passionate and happy with each other.Then expectations turn out to fall short and the passion crumbles quickly.
Taking time to get to know the underwater profiles will make work happier longer. On the other hand it saves a lot of trouble if it appears that the profiles do not out for together. You may therefore don’t do business with each other. Assessments usually don’t give answers to these profiles.
The term "underwater profile 'was until a year or two ago, unknown to me. I read it in two books written by a very good friend and partner Titia Lont. She wrote them for new mayors and aldermen/councillors. Prof. Dr. Harrie Aardema has worked out such a underwater profile for municipal organizations. I myself have, edited the profiles a little more general in the second book that I am writing.
When people start working in an organization it is good to have an overall picture of that organization. Conversely, it is good to have, as an organization, the overall picture of a new employee. That's really more than a resume. For both, that image is usually absolutely not complete. Often it appears from the outside everything is more beautiful and attractive than being in the situation that you are already working for a while. So you will see only the top of the 'iceberg'. This means that there is often a much bigger, invisible, portion underneath. The 'underside'. That bottom site is more difficult to grasp. There are many things below the waterline as will turn out on closer examination. How to look at those items that you may discover is different again for every individual or organization. After all, each lives in his own definition of reality. You measure things down to your own image, feelings, values. You can assume that the court, if you look closely is, yet slightly different than the first impression you had. What do you offer each other, to grow, and what 'expiration date' is there determined for both? What inspires you in your life and your work and what inspires an organization? Do they correspond with each other? Questions that actually hardly or not are expressed in interviews. Affairs that are, in my opinion, super necessary to know, in order to grow by sharing.
The first day of a new job, employers and employees usually are the most passionate and happy with each other.Then expectations turn out to fall short and the passion crumbles quickly.
Taking time to get to know the underwater profiles will make work happier longer. On the other hand it saves a lot of trouble if it appears that the profiles do not out for together. You may therefore don’t do business with each other. Assessments usually don’t give answers to these profiles.
The term "underwater profile 'was until a year or two ago, unknown to me. I read it in two books written by a very good friend and partner Titia Lont. She wrote them for new mayors and aldermen/councillors. Prof. Dr. Harrie Aardema has worked out such a underwater profile for municipal organizations. I myself have, edited the profiles a little more general in the second book that I am writing.
When people start working in an organization it is good to have an overall picture of that organization. Conversely, it is good to have, as an organization, the overall picture of a new employee. That's really more than a resume. For both, that image is usually absolutely not complete. Often it appears from the outside everything is more beautiful and attractive than being in the situation that you are already working for a while. So you will see only the top of the 'iceberg'. This means that there is often a much bigger, invisible, portion underneath. The 'underside'. That bottom site is more difficult to grasp. There are many things below the waterline as will turn out on closer examination. How to look at those items that you may discover is different again for every individual or organization. After all, each lives in his own definition of reality. You measure things down to your own image, feelings, values. You can assume that the court, if you look closely is, yet slightly different than the first impression you had. What do you offer each other, to grow, and what 'expiration date' is there determined for both? What inspires you in your life and your work and what inspires an organization? Do they correspond with each other? Questions that actually hardly or not are expressed in interviews. Affairs that are, in my opinion, super necessary to know, in order to grow by sharing.
some time the passion disappears and begins the legal status regulation and
those cases where one thinks has a legal 'right' to prevail. Groups of people
are also riling each other up in a lot of cases.
Aardema indicates that the top of both the individual and the organization iceberg is about the standardization. It is only 20% of what is at stake in the whole picture. Affairs for the employee as: Job title, salary, job profile, status, working hours, travel, expense allowances secondary labour conditions, permanent or temporary position, etc.. For the employer: Profile, vision and mission, rules, schedule, structures, programs, change of agendas, competence profiles, etc..
Aardema indicates that the top of both the individual and the organization iceberg is about the standardization. It is only 20% of what is at stake in the whole picture. Affairs for the employee as: Job title, salary, job profile, status, working hours, travel, expense allowances secondary labour conditions, permanent or temporary position, etc.. For the employer: Profile, vision and mission, rules, schedule, structures, programs, change of agendas, competence profiles, etc..
80% of the so-called 'silent values' of both an employee and an organization
apply. They are hardly or not addressed and are breeding grounds for turmoil in
a working relationship.
Example, for individuals may status, reasons, passion, other positions, motivations, learning experiences, beliefs, feelings, aspirations, etc., play a role. For an employer just things like power, reasons, motives, demands, (pre) judgments, informal deals, unwritten rules of the game, hidden agendas, strategic behaviour, self-organizing forces, etc..
As well as for organizations and individuals there are therefore many things that are not reflected in formal documents or in bright, clear and tangible matters. These things often have a huge impact on the power play between employees and organizations but they are generally outside the familiar corridors, pronounced.
Taking a little more time, prior to entering into a new working relationship adopt you deepening mutually in each other’s underwater profile can save a lot of suffering and ensure from an early moment for a longer lasting working relationship. To me a win-win situation.
Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight
Captijn Insight: “Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”
Example, for individuals may status, reasons, passion, other positions, motivations, learning experiences, beliefs, feelings, aspirations, etc., play a role. For an employer just things like power, reasons, motives, demands, (pre) judgments, informal deals, unwritten rules of the game, hidden agendas, strategic behaviour, self-organizing forces, etc..
As well as for organizations and individuals there are therefore many things that are not reflected in formal documents or in bright, clear and tangible matters. These things often have a huge impact on the power play between employees and organizations but they are generally outside the familiar corridors, pronounced.
Taking a little more time, prior to entering into a new working relationship adopt you deepening mutually in each other’s underwater profile can save a lot of suffering and ensure from an early moment for a longer lasting working relationship. To me a win-win situation.
Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight
Captijn Insight: “Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”
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