Friday, January 29, 2016

When you die you do not pass away. No faith required.

No faith or life philosophy is needed to trust – and that is more than believing – that when you die you do not pass away. Believe it or not. The only thing you have to do is to give it some time for yourself to think this over.
When faith/religion, like me, is part of your life this thought will be even more supported.

Why am I so firmly in this conviction?

As you sow you will reap.
Everything you do in life will leave a mark. You are not on this world to only survive. With your unique set of talents and gifts you are here to do something. With your contribution you leave a mark.

Nature teaches that just one seed of a tree contains a whole forest. And yes, for this the seed needs the most wonderful habitat. For a seed in nature this is just a matter of chance, getting the opportunity and best living conditions.
As human beings we have a choice. Just ask yourself, what is your most stimulating and/or inspiring living environment to flourish and to share what you all have to share, in the best way, with the world around. And a question, closely related to this; Do you really respond to that answer or your inner call? And when it is really not possible to live at that place – so skip any General Excuse and be creative – what is the second best place?

Living your mission, you always, young or older, leave something for this generation or a next one. Being more aware of this, you serve the world around you in a more conscious way. This has nothing to do with your place, rank or position in society. Give what you have inside, your uniqueness, to share. Let the best environment for you stimulate you. Your harvest will go on spreading.

Memories remain.
All your actions in life, no matter if they are big or small, leave a memory. Good examples or ideas you made,  automatically will get a follow-up by others. The things you brought in are working on. You never will and never have lived 'for nothing'. Memories are and remain the bright spots that give others strength to continue living. And you are able to support this. After all, nothing disappears forever if you keep the memory.

If you have kids, for 50% they come through you. 
Did you ever thought about the idea you came for 50% out of your father and for 50% out of your mother? Does not matter if you are happy with this or not. And your father and mother came for 50% out of their father and their mother and so forth. So even your grandparents and grand grandparents continue their life contribution in you. Just in the same way you will go on in your children, when you have them or will get them. 

One of my cousins once checked our family genealogy.
Amazing to see how former family generations go on in and with yourself. Where the family has its worldwide roots. It is not only fun to see where you come from but also gives hereditary influences that perhaps still you may or may not have inside. Great to explore and to experience from these discoveries. How easy can it be.

As an addition life philosophy and/or belief/religion.
The life philosophy, Buddhism, teaches that you can see your physical body as the temporary temple of your soul. The soul wants to grow and to reach that goal (fulfil its life- or soul mission) what it has to reach. A different word for dead is exanimate (without a soul). Actually you can see a dead person as ‘only’ the physical body without the soul. The soul has left. It is free again to use the opportunity – after a period of rest/recharge, making up its balance sheet, and build up wisdom – to make a next step in development. The Buddhism calls this ‘again being’. That’s more than reincarnation. It’s a going on of the lifecycle of the soul. And everything you learned in ‘former lives’, nothing to do with study, you take with you (build up wisdom).

All kind of religions / believes pretend there is more after dead. It is a kind of letting go of the physical body and a form of resurrection. So also here the soul leaves the body. A movement or journey as so nicely said an ‘earthly’ to an I call it 'spiritual' place.
Just think of the idea, after all - sitting in silence, in thoughts connected and with your eyes closed – you still can have a conversation with your loved ones and masters in life who are no longer physically present on this earth.

If you are a religious person you may wonder how it would be possible that if God, who out of his love puts you on this earth for a reason, could go on with his work into eternity without you? There is more between heaven and earth ...

Do the things you have to do in life. Be aware this has a general supporting meaning to the world around you. Doing this you will never pass away. Try to be conscious of that in your every action.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”

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