Friday, May 6, 2016

“I don’t have the time for it!” Ever took the time to give attention to this expression?

Recently, two guests wanted to do a health program of two weeks. They made the choice to only spend 10 days on it. They knew, it was even scientifically proven they told me, the best effects could only be reached doing the program two weeks but ... they did not have time for it because of busy work and life.

The sentence; "I do not have time." stayed in my mind the rest of the day ongoing circling around in my head. What do you actually say?
I have no time for it. I do not have time for it now. I do not yet have time for it. In fact it are all excuses you make in your mind not to do that what you actually want to dot. And of course, it may also be true sometimes you come up with this general apology because you actually do not want to do something at all.

That sentence shows something about your personal choices. My father and mother often told me if I spoke the same sentence; "Then create the time for it." Indeed, there is always time and it is all about where you lay your priorities. Now they would probably complementary say: "If you are a little bit less available on the Internet you will discover you have plenty time for yourself left."

We periodically organize a program "Time is everything" here in Thailand. A wonderful theme to discover. Time is not faster or slower than before. We think we can or should do more with our time. We strive and compete in life because we think it is necessary for the reason that everyone around us does do the same. So we think it is normal and necessary.
Just for fun practice aimlessness for just five minutes, and you will see how happy you are during those five minutes. Maybe you may experience a sense of joy and room to breathe. Not crawl into the countless distractions that you are even carrying on your girdle or in your pocket. Just do nothing. Perhaps as well a sense of disquiet out of a form of anxiety to connect with yourself. In aimlessness, you can explore that you do not lack anything, that you already be what you want to become. So all your striving can come to an end. You may experience a sense of joy and room to breathe.

If you have no time - or not have time yet - to do things that are especially good for you, as working on your holistic health, your long-term happiness, your ‘ME-time” (timeout to make up your balance sheet and to recharge), breathing again, turn around and be proud of yourself of what you already achieved in life, to determine what life for you really is all about, your only goal in life called 'LIVING' (instead of running)... then something is wrong with your priorities in life.

There is more than enough time, even now. It has everything to do with making the right choices (for yourself and that’s not an egoistic thing). In your life there is nothing else to do than to live and fulfil your mission. To share your unique contribution and to make yourself and the world around more happy. There is nothing to attain, nothing to realize, no program, no agenda for life. You do not have to wait for the next signal, shock or wake-up call from your outside world (or maybe even your inside world) to make facts visible what life really is all about.

You want to gain time for yourself right now? Just a fact. An exercise I regularly do about holistic time balance with guests shows that people have time left during the span of a day. Every time a strange discovery. They find out that this is due to time-consuming use of social media and about twenty minutes per hour watching television which marketing steals from them. Maybe a an option to switch off more often.

Stop your general apology and immediately just now take the time for what really matters to you. Do not plan it, as I said already there is no agenda or program, make it your nature. Do not wait too long and certainly not till it will be too late (even though you yourself will not realize that anymore). And thing about that specific moment can be very soon. For sure that’s not a wish but just a statement.

Take your time to LIVE life NOW. Do what you have to do in the understanding there is nothing to attain. 

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.” 

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