Friday, May 13, 2016

Music and singing, language that connects with the symphony called life.

“Music is a language that connects”. Music is the red thread through everyone’s life. It gives energy, strength, comfort, joy and cherishes memories of all kinds."

I got the inspiration for the title of this blog by a message from an old friend of mine, Everdien Berendsen, in the Netherlands. She is president of a Dutch music association. This music association had chosen this theme for the New Year's reception of this year.

The title intrigued me to think about it even deeper and some of these thoughts I want to share this week in our blog. Music and in my opinion also singing, language that connects.

Thinking of “language” mainly speaking and writing are plopping up in my mind. When I look deeper, I come to the word communication. A transmitting and receiving so, when open to it, connection. But can you see music as a kind of talking? Is it a language all those notes on staves that you write? Anywhere in the world it's written the same and you can read it wherever you are in the world. It's a kind of worldwide language and thus inviting to connect worldwide. A language that has the possibility to express things that lots of times can not be told.

Music and singing for me are vibrations that can bring something into turmoil. Like spoken language it has to do with frequencies. The frequency of music and singing, out of my experience, is so much more. Sound creates wonders, sound has the energy and possibility to heal. The combination of sounds in music or by using the voice in song (much stronger than speaking) connects with emotion, with feeling. It is not for no reason that Tibetan monks beside chanting also use sound (singing bowls) for meditation. They free the mind and have a healing effect. 
Masaru Emoto, with his water experiments, showed  the enormous influence music, sounds and intentions can have on the molecular structure / crystal structure of water (think about the idea we are about 80% water). So music and singing literally have an influence on our well-being.

Real connection has to do with energy, with emotion. How different as, nowadays, the ‘emotion’ of  gently touching a screen of any supporting mobile device in your right or left hand... 
Fortunately, I know quite a few people who know the art of touching and connecting by music and singing. My former secretary is one of them. She sometimes just is her music instrument (piano) and shares, with heart and soul, her deeply rooted talent with passion. She is also teaching how to play piano. Just last Monday she wrote to me: “For me it’s ongoing incredibly fun to experience how I can learn people (especially children) a new language / environment / emotion which permanently enriched their lives.”. For me this is certainly true. 

Several years ago I attended a course named "Aristotle, music and mastery." Victor Müller and Erik Boers were the inspirational hosts. A combination of discovering the power of the application of philosophy in organizations, and connection and flow through music. I still use experiences and insights from this course in my programs here. One of my beautiful experiences, by singing at work, believe it or not, was simply getting a playful connection again. In Great Britain,  during a fire officers training  it helped to get an even better team spirit and even mayors who joined out of interest spontaneously and with a relaxed smile on the face started to sing again. And what about singing at scouting (or in the army). It's a powerful beat to connect.

Music and singing support energy to flow again. To get the experience you only just have to give room to the art of stopping so you give yourself the opportunity to experience this beauty. And it’s useless to debate about taste, music you like or not, but for 100% there is always to find some music or song that completely resonates with you. 

How simple you can give yourself a wonderful gift. Many thanks to all those people who just share this unique talents and make others happy with it or be supportive in flow or dealing with emotions in the rhythm of life.

Just feel invited to really stop and open your sensations for being touched and connected with music and singing. The road to connection with the symphony of life. Music and singing in fact creates natural space to connect with your inner world and outer world on a much deeper level widening your world. 
And a great Buddhist understanding. Music brings you in connection with the now. You cannot look backwards but are willing to stop clinging to attachments (present tones you hear) and open up for the new tones to come in harmony.

An example? How talent in music and singing can rely. More than enough examples. This one just happened to cross my path this week (Andrea Bocelli - Solomia | Voice Kids 2015). It’s all a matter of being and showing yourself and to share your uniqueness within.

Enjoy what’s called the symphony of LIFE in sincere connection.

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.” 

1 comment:

  1. Mesmerized article written on this blog with other relevant information. It is straight to the point that how we can improve our skills as well as how we can be represented to a new stream of professionalism.
