"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind
word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or a small act of caring. All
having the potential to change a day, a week, a month, even a lifetime."
(Quote I got a short while ago from a good acquaintance Arnaud Nilwik
from The Netherlands)
This quote for me was the
‘spark’ to write this week my blog about touch.
Touch is one of the
sensations processed by the somatosensory system giving rise to touching
behavior (source: Wikipedia).
Ever thought about this idea?
Just take some time to look more deeply. Watching, smelling,
tasting and hearing are all touching.
Thinking about the art
of listening for instance. Hearing is a sensation of sound waves travel
through the outer ear, impacts (touch) the eardrum and causes to vibrate.
Modulated by the middle ear it is transmitted to the nerves transmitting
information to the brain, where it is registered as sound.
So you can see hearing
as touching. And touching is connecting with energy flow.
As Wikipedia mentions,
you can be touched physically and mentally / emotionally. Both in a positive or
negative way. All having to do with the intention or expression of something (a
person, animal, thing, situation) in the outer world on you.
When Abraham Maslow studied happy people, one of the things
he determined was that they all had what he called highly potentiated lives.
They could deeply enjoy the smell of coffee being brewed first thing in the
morning if that’s what was in the room, or the sound of toast being buttered.
When their child took their hand it wasn’t just a sensation, it filled up their
whole (well-)being. Happy people had a “high porosity to aliveness”. These
people soaked up life.
We mistakenly think
that touching - so watching, listening, smelling and tasting as well - occur on
the periphery of our self, are a kind of surface things. But truthfully each
surface stimulus travels far into the most hidden interior landscapes of our
self. An integrated energetic body, mind and even soul connection takes shape.
The necessity of
nurturing our senses and play with inner and outer caring and healing energy is
very clear when we are at our youngest. Slightly older we typically found ways
to build a huge, varied diet of using our senses and energy connection into our
lives. Feeling inside the frequency, textures and intensities of this constant,
rich field of contact.
As we grow up we
exchange this banquet of physical contact for…. well, often for very little.
We eroded our
“body-mind-soul” connection. Caused by internal and/or external factors.
Internal we hear the voices of our - wanted or
unwanted - guides in life / our programming. Or we protect / armor ourselves
out of fear or not to be hurt (again).
External influences like culture,
religion, habitat, ‘expected behavior’, living
an unbalanced, chaotic lifestyle and lack of responsibility in using the social
media and the internet, have their impact.
These causes gradually
can have limited our ability to be present and to express and experience the
essence of who we, fully and freely, really are and what we really want. We
slowly become cut off from our feelings and the ability to experience our
creative inner energy in a connected, joyful, loving flow.
For most of us growing
up coincides with a reduction in the range and quality of our tactile life. Our
diet of nurturing physical contact and dealing with energy thins out, narrows
Ask yourself: "How
went my tactile day today so far?"
Touching (so actually being aware of the
influences of all our senses) is main part of one of our regular workshops
(Tantra journey of senses and energy). It’s remarkable to see how people
release feathered and sparkling life energy full of unexpected potency and make
themselves available for that what wants to 'show' itself.
It shows our senses and consciousness of energy
could properly be regarded as instruments to deeply connect, to explore, and as
a form of nutrition.
Overriding the harness
of the known, allowing to explore what is possible, fearless entering a field
of endless possibilities... goes
beyond of what the head (thinking mind) can contain. Bringing the unconscious in the
conscious elevating your quality of awareness. An interweaving of the
energies of many levels of consciousness from the ordinary to the most intense.
A path of integrating body, mind and soul. Realizing your full potential as a
free unique human being.
Touch more in a
positive way, with the right intentions, physically and/or mental / emotional.
Be open and willing to
be touched. Explore to soak up life (again). Be aware of a kaleidoscope of (new) manifestations
of intuitively feeling. Get a deeper and more meaningful connection with
yourself and others. Redefine limitations and blockages of your mind, of body
veils, body armoring and barriers.
Change someone’s day,
week, month or even his/her lifetime using the positive power of a touch, a
smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or a small act of
Encounter jewels of aliveness and energy in your existence.
Frans Captijn
Host /
Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight
Captijn Insight: “Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”
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