Every Monday
evening I guide an introduction to Tantra workshop here at The Pavana Chiang
Mai Resort. Most guests do only have a little bit of understanding what Tantra
is about. What they primarily have in mind is that it has everything to do with
sexuality. And because of this (very narrow) view they seem to be a bit shy first
to learn more about Tantra.
Joining the workshop together with some other guests at first sight feels a bit more comfortable. Most of the times after already only one minute of joining the class they feel totally at ease, engaged with the theme, curious to understand and willing to practice as well.
Joining the workshop together with some other guests at first sight feels a bit more comfortable. Most of the times after already only one minute of joining the class they feel totally at ease, engaged with the theme, curious to understand and willing to practice as well.
has everything to do with a mind, body and soul approach. And there where the
regular Buddhist meditation practice is focused on training the mind, the
meditation in relation to pink Tantra is not at all focused on the (trouble
making) mind but on the heart. Skip the idea of Tantra is learning techniques.
Tibetan Buddhist Tantra has to do with opening and following your heart. No
technique at all. No performing. No pleasing. And believe it or not, no sex deed
is needed to create bliss and a much richer experience of intimacy.
Tantra? Yes. A combination of White (more the spiritual individual way to
create an ongoing feeling of bliss) and the Red (more the sensual and sexual way of exploring with a partner independently of gender).
first shyness to join the introduction class/workshop already tells a lot.
Shyness has to do with peoples programming. With experiences of the past and all kind
of institutions and believe systems that tried to indulge us that it’s wrong and
sometimes even dangerous to give attention to the full potential of your body, mind
and soul. Still Tantra for many people and cultures is banished. The word ‘sex’
still nowadays invites to be curious, find a dark private place to connect
with, or pushes away (actually from yourself) and even sometimes creates a feeling
of guilt.
How is it
possible a word can do this? Ever took the time to look deeper into what the
meaning of sex actually is? There is so much more to discover. Communication for
instance is sex.
Sex is
energy, even better to say life-force energy. Sexual energy and life-force
energy are exactly the same. And Tantra is the sacred approach to free and
expand inner life-force energy (Kundalini) to get bliss by emptying your mind, leave the focus
on the genitals and to connect, listening and respond to (true) love. To connect
with and experience the interweaving of life-force energy.
and flow of energy only is possible if there is a difference in polarity. In
Tantra, we usually speak about the feminine and masculine poles. Talking about
communication in a Tantric way listening is passive, feminine, and speaking is
male (independent of gender). Speaking is a penetration of you and you are
receptive to it. Between a speaker and a listener a sex act is happening
because the speaker is trying to penetrate you and the listener is receiving
and the other way around. And if you are listening in a way that you only use the time-frame the other person is speaking to make up your mind for your own story... then there is no real communication so no sex.
happens only when one party has become male and the other party has become
female, otherwise there can be no communication. Wherever negative and positive
meet, sex happens. Wherever polarities meet, opposites meet, it is sex.
this understanding sex gets a much wider meaning. Not (only) the act but much
stronger the embracing of the appearance and sustaining of intimacy.
And in
this way Tantra is about all of life - the way you eat, the way you treat your
body, the way you meditate, the way you relate to friends and family, the way
you connect with your intimate partner as well as how other beings experience
your life-force energy.
With this
in mind you can tell me now that if communication is already having sex, life
is sex. So all the people with the first very narrow understanding of Tantra actually
were right. And so they were. The only thing is that after the workshop they got
a much wider view and understanding, in comfort, to connect with their full
potential. They learn the first natural steps, so no techniques, to empty their
(programmed) trouble making mind, to absorb life force energy and to reach high
levels of bliss.
Captijn Insight: “Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”
Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight
Captijn Insight: “Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”
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