Friday, August 17, 2018

The awareness of again a new and next phase in my life.

Note: Today's blog may be a bit difficult to just read and / or understand. Still, I want to share it with you.

If you are really and deeper interested, please feel invited to read it over again. Feel free to email me and ask more about it or to learn more about it.

Thankfully and for over five years I served many guests at The Pavana Chiang Mai resort (before The Spa resort Chiang Mai) in especially the mind and spiritual part of the resort’s at that time holistic healthcare approach.

Since February this year I am not working for the resort any longer still happily living at the adjacent Spa Resort Residences. I felt a bit pity for not being ‘on duty’ after this wonderful time. Not being able, the way I did, to share the many insights I got, and even more I still will get in meditation, Kundalini awareness yoga, Buddhist philosophy, life and talent coaching and energy work. Insights that helped many former guests to discover themselves and find their own inside latent solutions to solve difficult situations and transformations in their life they were facing and to come into flow again.

And as always if one door closes, automatically another door opens. Although very happy living here, this February situation did not feel comfortable to me. Feeling my passion ongoing pushing inside myself to go on growing by sharing to give purpose to my mission. Being active and enthusiastic it felt as being in, and facing, a ‘gap’. A temporary space and time of doing nothing. Nothing to worry about. Just and only sometimes a bit rough.

As I learned, things like this always have a reason. The thing is you do not know the reason yet and for our programmed human brain it feels easier to know the outcome, the goal.
Space and time to think, to contemplate, to explore and go one step deeper into myself. What is the meaning, what do I have to learn, what is the message? Am I really not growing? Wanting to work by myself again on it, instead of trusting and waiting (I will come to that later) for what shows up.

Time to open up, actually to accept the 'doing nothing' and to trust something else and even better that's already waiting for you will arrive. Exactly at the right moment that 'other dimension' will knock at your door. You cannot force this proces. I just and only needs its own time. 
Indeed it turned out into a feeling of again the awareness of the birth of the next phase or step in my life.

Friday July 13th I got an unexpected and amazing email from a friend who did not know about my situation yet. Starting with: “Hi Frans, Trust all is well. Did your changes appear this month or still on the way?” He explained to me how he learned from a Mexican friend that existence has a knowing of its own, The more time we are in a ‘gap’ we seem to be part of its infinite intelligence. Intuition blooming as the mind drops occasionally, accepting more to come…
He attached a wonderful picture of a gap in the sky to invigorate his message and to make it visual. And writing this here and now, actually and even more makes my new insight clearer as opening and connection between the infinite, unlimited, and our limited dimensions.

It took me a while to consider and to understand. For me it has everything to do with again a personal and inner energy shift. With being even more present in the moment, not judging, shifting the focus of my attention inside my body and accepting. Being even more aware of the deeper and underlying response of my senses and to listen/see/feel subtle energy shifts.

And starting that day more things became clear to me only because my change of attention. Everything you give attention grows…

Wednesday July 25th from another friend I got an unexpected and amazing group email giving me the opportunity, only within a time-frame of that day, to watch for free a documentary in relation to shamanic healing. She as well did not know the situation I was in and did not know anything of my basic shamanic talent in my so called “Tree of life” of talents and gifts (see picture). Several parts of the documentary gave me goosebumps. More and more I got the feeling it carried a personal message for me.

The closet opened. More and more puzzle pieces fell in place. Being more and more connected with nature. Without even knowing already a couple of years ago I stopped marketing myself, my ‘business’ (actually I never saw it as any business but as my mission). Not being on any social media any longer, no I-Phone, no watch. More alone (all-one). No, not being a hermit or feeling lonely. After years of waiting finally getting my new name out of India a couple of months ago. Working with labyrinths and Tantra. With percussion instruments like singing bowls, gongs, Tingshas, Ghantas, and drums. With crystals, Dorjes and Phurbas. With rituals. No, nothing ‘floaty’. Still very connected and grounded.  
No recommendations from former students or guests on my website any more to promote my activities. I am free and can live without. The time is there for me I do not have to be anyone any longer, do not ‘need’ for guests or students at all, do not have to 'work' on sharing my insights and wisdom. The time for me is there to understand I can belong to myself. Infinity is patient... And being patient, I trust guests will find me and I have nothing to do for that. I even stopped the contract of my website for the next period starting beginning 2019. What happens, happens.

Belonging to myself helps me to listen to and learn from my soul and mission. My top three talents in relation to my mission in life, as my tree of life in 2011 during my study to become a certified talent coach showed me, are first of all Shaman, supported by Philosopher and Miracle worker.

I feel today the time is there to stop believing and sometimes even hiding that but to trust it. I found myself even more again, can do without a persona any longer to survive. Opening up to grow further on the shamanic path.

Yes, I am available and can wait for guests and students to find me...

In the meantime I will get and find ways to feed my three top-talents and open myself to be used by the infinite to serve and more and more to ‘heal’. Two very close and professional relationships, working with and through me.

Soon I will start to travel. Feeding my 'Vagabond' talent at the grow point of my tree, and see who and what crosses my paths to grow by sharing. My way is going to show me. 
Still using the practices and build up knowledge from my former stages of developing in life. Step by step flowing into re-balancing disturbed human energy fields to create more flow.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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