Friday, May 29, 2020

The learned patterns from which we act and which disturbs our natural behavior. "Animals don't live with ghosts or a God."

During my master's program I had to write a number of theses. One of these was “Cultural influence on risk perception”. I thought about it when my girlfriend recently remarked that animals do not live with ghosts or a God in mind and therefore will not be so concerned about it.

Thai culture, for example, is peppered with everything that concerns the (evil) spirit world, ancestors and not to forget astrology, "divination & clairvoyance". By the way, things that have nothing to do with Buddhism. This comes back in dreams and in all kinds of situations and rituals and I, too, especially living in the countryside, regularly have to deal with it.

Nothing negative about that Thai culture because the culture from which I originate knows quite a few things as well. Often with fear and frightening as a motive.
For example, a while ago I had a discussion with some Filipino friends. They have been taught in education and by the church that you have to be "God fearing". What a nonsense (to me) if God is love. You don't have to be afraid of God at all, do you? Anyway, it's just an example.
Within cultures you get spoon-fed from birth, well meant by your parents, your environment, school. church, etc., quite a few "group accepted grids".

Without thinking about it, you usually accept it and it has become your truth. Many even talk regularly, stating that people who adhere or think something else are not really good. Within faith this certainly applies to me from various experiences in my life. Actually, too sad for words.

We are all programmed in our own way and from our own background, and most believe that (only) their program is good. I call it sometimes neurotic behavior.
And I think my girlfriend is right.
Indeed regularly, if you look at it from a distance, a ballast that animals do not know.

In my opinion, Life (God, Great Spirit, Essence or whatever you want to call it) is based on and / or synonymous with Love, Growth, Progress, Development, Intensity, Beauty and so on. Pure positive energy to serve with your life for which you came here (to fulfill your life mission) and not to be hindered by what people have invented for you to be able to and continue to walk in the group pass.

And yes, we do know praying mantis and yet… I think they may not pray at all and at this point they live a bit more lighthearted and maybe more happy without fear.

And, in relation to this time, animals do not have to keep any unnatural distance, sit only with two on a table, have to wear medical or non-medical mouth caps or any other made-up measures. How blissful to live naturally ...

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Great to have an empty head

Last Sunday, after my daily meditation and yoga, I thought how wonderful it is to have an empty head again. How different from years ago.

As a young boy I had that of course, but you didn't think about that at the time. Your parents offered you safety and you were pretty free to do whatever you wanted. The world was at your feet to discover and you could say almost anything you wanted. It was often laughed about.

Over the years and with the rat race called life starting, that head of mine filled up. It will be no different for most people.
Twirling and gasping nights. It was a complete waste of time.

And yes, it took a while to be in that state of emptiness again. As it came step by step, it also said goodbye step by step. Exactly eight years ago already last Wednesday.

And actually, I have not even noticed how it left. My life, no lifestyle, has changed its routine. No social media, no or very sparse following news, that daily meditation and yoga, making myself less busy (no stress, attract or excite me less about everything that happens around me), no more in large crowds, no more to have or want to be in the foreground, no watch, no deadlines, no need or want to achieve, no status, even more laughter, and so on.
It has everything to do with "cleaning" and especially now also self-protection against the overkill of information flows (no disturbance).

It feels great and I am grateful for it.

Inhale, exhale I often say to my kids and… especially don't follow the crowd. Be happy yourself and feel free.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The (un)happiness radiates from it. You don't have to get upset about that sad show of sham from others.

From Facebook and other social media, we now know that most smiling faces in photos are not spontaneous and real and all the beautiful stories most of the time not totally true. The true story and face is just before and right after the selfie for instance.

Last week I was confronted a few times with stories about people who really are most creative in showing their ‘wonderful’ lives just to try to stay track with society they want to be part of.
They have lots of debts, have tremendous financial troubles and, most funny, nearly all their friends know about these sad situations of them. And yet they continue to borrow money (from friends), try to get more credit cards, etc., just to show friends in all kinds of ways how ‘happy’ they can live. As if they don't realize at all that they can't handle money. Actually, it is too bizarre that it is possible to get even more loans and also that mainly friends still want to lend money to these types (only to keep the friendship with these ‘glitter friends’.

The people who told me those stories were quite "upset" and I think that is actually a step too far. You can be proud of yourself if you live differently and know how to deal with money and to have no debts. You can be sure this fake shows finally end up in lots of misery.

And furthermore… look at it from a distance (maybe with a smile) and say "no" after hearing those blistering stories from them to get money. And if that costs a "friendship" then you may wonder what that friendship was really worth.

Living a life without debt, something that I have inherited from home and that so far always feels great in my life. And what others do or only show... let go and laugh. It's all baked air.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Wuhan and the future even greater distance society

Everything has a beginning and an end. So also the the Wuhan virus passing away just because the flu season is over.

My girlfriend casually commented last week that it looked like some sort of "modern" third world war. That comment made me think.

All the negative things that the virus, and especially the "wealth" of measures, has caused people who have become ill, sometimes died, all the personal suffering and also the large group that have recovered are gradually known. Every day an overkill of information as if there is nothing else in the world to talk about anymore.

All side effects are less known. Just to name a few; An increase in domestic violence, crime and suicides. Unemployment (and where I live in most cases this means no work, no money). Companies that have gone bankrupt, hospitals (here) that were filled with addicted people because of a long alcohol ban. I heard about a sharp increase in overweight and therefore increased risk of cardiovascular disease from staying at home and having less possibilities to exercise, etc ..

And for me the most touching. The face-to-face distance between people has generally increased.

Also other effects.
For example, online shopping and working from home have become very popular. Lots of innovation and creativity with, yes, the internet (Prosperity?). Online meetings and hangouts. Family ties in many cases are also strengthened. We had to take the time to connect with our closest dear ones. There was time for reading books again.

And to tell some close personal experiences. In the eight years that I have lived here, we have never had such clean air. The gasoline currently costs only 45 Euro cents per liter. More than three thousand basic household groceries are between 35 and 65% cheaper for a three-month period. A big surprise last week was that I received a substantial discount on my health insurance for a period of three months. Only 2.45 Euro for a month (normally twelve and fifty).

I really love that clean air. It once again shows how we are helping to circumvent the world and think we are in control of nature. And look at us now. In many countries we are locked in our homes and nature is flourishing again. I wrote about it before. Nature is in charge and will be the winner, not the other way around.

What will the future bring and above all, what will we do with this lesson?

"Why did it take a virus to bring people back together?
Sometimes you have to get sick before you start feeling better "

A question from a young girl and the answer from her father reading to her about a virus just before going to sleep. A short video (link below) by Tom Foolery.

Do we finally realize that happiness does not depend on running faster and consuming (more)? Or is the trouble quickly forgotten and is there catching up?

Historically, the latter is in line with expectations and I think it is a matter of waiting for the next major unexpected crisis to shake us up for the umpteenth time about what life is really all about.

In any case, our distance from each other continues to grow. I think the words "distance society" that have been born are more than sad.

Many say I'm crazy that I 'settle' for an early retirement of 35% because I quit working at the age of 54 instead of continuing until my (full) retirement age with all my stars and stripes that I had collected on my uniform in all those years before. Blessed to be rid of it now. In the end it was a nice golden cage full of stress, a bubble, and dealing with envy. Wonderful I lost my ‘status’.

Gratefully to be, at least until today so far, still super healthy. I have been enjoying a very happy life for eight years now.

Stay awake after this nearly passed big lesson. Be aware you run out of time... 
Maybe make that life change after discovering what your life is really all about ...

Who knows, watching that Tom Foolery video (just four minutes) can help you with those steps.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Other eating habits

We have been working steadily on our construction process for two months now.

Every morning we take the time to have our outside breakfast and go somewhere for dinner almost every evening.

I think I lost weight. I have had to tighten my belt two steps and when I look back, a lot has changed with regard to my eating habits.

Fruit, fruit and even more more fruit. Vegetables and all kinds of herbs.

Here in the village in Isaan region and in the countryside it is no more than normal. Phatsamon's mother grows a lot at her land  and many things already have been sown and cultivated on our own land.

We are now following the seasons and at the moment that is mainly mango, grapes and watermelon. Bananas all year round and also apples, oranges, lemons, etc .. Vegetables cabbage, long beans, green beans, carrot, (lots of) garlic, spring onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on. And all kinds of fresh herbs from the garden are also included. It is a daily routine for me now.

And the strange thing is, in the Netherlands I nearly did not eat fruit at all. A bite in an apple or banana almost immediately caused allergy. I hardly ever suffer from this here. Probably because no chemicals or preservatives are used.

What is left of my old pattern is the daily peanut butter sandwich. I haven't seen potatoes in two months either.

Actually all quite tasty (and also much healthier) and how it is prepared, fresh close by, is very attractive;).

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.