Friday, May 29, 2020

The learned patterns from which we act and which disturbs our natural behavior. "Animals don't live with ghosts or a God."

During my master's program I had to write a number of theses. One of these was “Cultural influence on risk perception”. I thought about it when my girlfriend recently remarked that animals do not live with ghosts or a God in mind and therefore will not be so concerned about it.

Thai culture, for example, is peppered with everything that concerns the (evil) spirit world, ancestors and not to forget astrology, "divination & clairvoyance". By the way, things that have nothing to do with Buddhism. This comes back in dreams and in all kinds of situations and rituals and I, too, especially living in the countryside, regularly have to deal with it.

Nothing negative about that Thai culture because the culture from which I originate knows quite a few things as well. Often with fear and frightening as a motive.
For example, a while ago I had a discussion with some Filipino friends. They have been taught in education and by the church that you have to be "God fearing". What a nonsense (to me) if God is love. You don't have to be afraid of God at all, do you? Anyway, it's just an example.
Within cultures you get spoon-fed from birth, well meant by your parents, your environment, school. church, etc., quite a few "group accepted grids".

Without thinking about it, you usually accept it and it has become your truth. Many even talk regularly, stating that people who adhere or think something else are not really good. Within faith this certainly applies to me from various experiences in my life. Actually, too sad for words.

We are all programmed in our own way and from our own background, and most believe that (only) their program is good. I call it sometimes neurotic behavior.
And I think my girlfriend is right.
Indeed regularly, if you look at it from a distance, a ballast that animals do not know.

In my opinion, Life (God, Great Spirit, Essence or whatever you want to call it) is based on and / or synonymous with Love, Growth, Progress, Development, Intensity, Beauty and so on. Pure positive energy to serve with your life for which you came here (to fulfill your life mission) and not to be hindered by what people have invented for you to be able to and continue to walk in the group pass.

And yes, we do know praying mantis and yet… I think they may not pray at all and at this point they live a bit more lighthearted and maybe more happy without fear.

And, in relation to this time, animals do not have to keep any unnatural distance, sit only with two on a table, have to wear medical or non-medical mouth caps or any other made-up measures. How blissful to live naturally ...

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


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Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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