I was contemplating on that question during a walk after I was asked by someone to write a section in a life book of an old acquaintance.
I have been living in Thailand for more than eight years now. It gives a lot of impressions, comparative materials and especially also considerations and insights. Especially if you compare my way of life from the past in the Netherlands and that in Asia today.
One of the first things that came to mind was that the country where I was born is actually so very small. That while I subconsciously thought that the country and the environment where I lived and worked was the world.
What a top position I had I was told and that's how I thought. And in my little world that also applied to many "top executives" in the political administrative environment. They were quite something I thought. This is how many people assumed and often they thought this themselves as well.
It can all be in your head. After all, outside of your small world, nobody usually knows you anymore. I regularly mentioned my name and background and that of various Dutch "leaders" and “VIP-s” during my classes I presented here at the international resort. Nobody had ever heard of me or any of these people I mentioned… It was a nice mirror to discover that in reality that importance is not that important.
It's just
a laugh when I look back now. You are even less than a pinpoint.
And about
that position and that great salary? That too is actually laughing.
In those eight years here, I got the opportunity to work with many internationally "well-known" people. In most cases I had never heard of them before. People with much "higher" salaries and positions. What does it all mean? And when I listened to the problems in their lives, their shiny outer surfaces were so thin… The real problems in their lives that really matter, they often couldn't even manage themselves. Something that happened to me too. A divorce, partly because I was so busy with the "important" work and my position ...
note. I have written about it before that it is far from everyone to get and
achieve everything you could want. That is simply a myth. A bit of luck, your
physical and mental condition and the place where and the family in which you
were born, for example, certainly also play a role.
And yet the limitations in personal development and growth are largely in your own mind. And you started to believe in all those limitations because other people told you or you told to great extent yourself.
If the next life awaits me, I hope I still remember some things. Just to name some examples?
# To keep in mind not to follow the crowd and not to cling to all kinds of rules. No burke "keyed" views and ways of life. And especially laugh at those high salaries that show off. There is always more to reach. The only question is when enough is enough for you to live happily and above all as freely as possible, healthy and with pleasure.
# To take reviews from other people, even for example during job applications, for example, but with a little salt and, above all, to continue to believe in myself. Not to look up to all those "higher" people who have apparently made it and show it with nicer houses and more expensive cars.
# Know in advance that the place where I am born, anywhere in the world, offers too many restrictions because the world is much bigger. That world has much, much more to offer and has long had good solutions for the problems and situations that you have to deal with or that you will be dealing with. It is no longer even an 'out of the box' thinking, but a finding literally outside the borders.
# To see through the world of power, positional play, corruption, media and advertising and political influence and to stay as far away from it as possible.
# As far as possible, choose for freedom, deviate, allow and follow creativity. Free and support all my talents that I will get again and let them cooperate. Do things that make me happy.
# Laughing at the so-called 'happiness' of other people spreading on 'social' media, in whatever form it may be, and ignoring what everyone might think of what I do and how I live.
It may
seem to be a somewhat lonely existence. In my view, it is far from it.
And after those considerations during that walk and writing this blog, I thought that I have actually been on my way with those memories for those eight years, already in this life.
Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)
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Captijn Insight. Catalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.
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