Friday, October 14, 2016

Your world of possibilities and opportunities is much bigger than you think.

Every time for me it’s a wonderful experience when our guests discover they have a world of possibilities and opportunities to get flow in life again. It’s just taking the time to get this insight.

We live in an incredibly busy world. Actually we make ourselves busy and everybody thinks this is normal because everybody is doing busy. The pace of life is often wild, our minds are always busy, and we’re always doing something. A study from the Buddhist University shows that, in general, our minds are nearly 50 percent (50% of our lifetime) lost in thoughts. This mind-wandering helps us suffering and mind-wondering actually destroys our feeling of happiness and causes stress. Happiness you can see as peace of mind. The mind not at all is at peace. And because we want to be always and with everything connected, without even being aware, we raise this percentage more and more. Actually running away from ourselves not giving our mind a single second of attention.

Our programming and busy-ness keeps us away from contemplating on our self. And because we are stuck in our ideas, our view, our truth, a lot of times we do not see any solution or possibility to get flow in our lives again or to solve problems in private life or business life.

Everything you give attention grows. Your programming in the past, your lifestyle (see it as the way you respond to situations), is always helping you to label, to judge, to cling on your ideas, your truth. Even if other people are willing to be available for you, you start a debate because they see things different than you and that’s not what you want. So it takes you a lot of effort (thinking again) how to change your outside world to feel more happy. Possibly you buy something new for you to make yourself (temporary) happy, you drink some alcohol or take a sigaret. But this is not a sustainable solution.

We are always doing, going on mind-wondering, always running. Even running away for ourselves. We are not even aware, in my opinion are not even willing, to take the time to discover the huge field of opportunities and possibilities that are waiting for us.

When did you take ten minutes time to do nothing? Undisturbed nothing? A state of ‘nothing to attain’. No texting, no music, radio or TV, no reading, no speaking, no eating, no e-mailing, no internet? Not even mind-wondering about the past or the future? When did you give your mind time to relax. To guard your mind? Actually to take real “I-time”? Simply being available experiencing the here and now for instance in nature.

Our mind is our main and most valuable resource through which we experience living moment to moment. We always rely upon it. It is always available to help us to stay safe and to survive. It helps us to adapt to every situation we are entering or are in. You can see it as the main computer. We take care of our physical body but how much time a day do you spend on and with only your mind?

Because of our mind we focus on situations we are in. Our programming helps us to focus and focus is attention. Most of the times clinging attention. In this attention we even want to find creativity to get flow in our life again.

As shown in the drawing aside this focused attention only helps us to see a part of the truth, a part of accessible solutions a part of the available possibilities, a part of the truth. Going on being more and more busy, focusing on a solution and not at all giving ten minutes a day time to our mind does not help us.

You can skip working hard to change the world around you. You can stop clinging on your desires and suffering about how to reach your goals. Not before but behind the camera is more sun shining. The only thing you need to do is to stop, to do nothing and give the camera a chance to turn 360°. To be able to see and be aware of the 360°panorama where you are in. Just doing nothing and taking distance to observe without judging.

That's a strange feeling in this busy world. What should other people think about you? Let other people think! Did you ever asked them if your thoughts of what you think they think are right? It’s the same of being anxious about the feeling of getting anxious. You only reinforce a ‘story line’ from the past.

Ten minutes a day doing nothing. Freeing your scoop on the problems you need to solve. It will change your life and, after some exercise, offers you at least one hour a day of opportunities an possibilities already waiting for you to get new flow in life, love, family, business, career and work.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.” 

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