Friday, December 27, 2019

20 years ago. Remembrance with a smile to the expected Millennium bug.

Time flies. I still remember well the world nearly in panic facing end of 1999 the Millennium bug.
At that time, I was commander of the fire-brigade of the cities Kerkrade and Landgraaf in The Netherlands. And although there was regional and national coordination on this expected crisis, I was the executive commander and coordinator for our area in case things would go wrong.

World- and nation-wide people came up with the in my opinion most crazy ideas of all that could go wrong and we, with our full-time and part-time professional staff, were prepared to ‘solve the problems’ that could exist. I still do not know what we were prepared for although we got several regional exercises to deal with all the problems. In my eyes it was all a big show.

That New Years eve we had a special crisis team at the city hall. Our mayor, Thijs Wöltgens, and municipal secretary, Chris Kuikman, the chief of police, etc.. were in charge as well as the main spokespeople. And many government staff were available that night, sad not with their families, to organize things nobody could ever organize. Actually, it was a big joke and, looking back now, in my opinion again a kind of multi marketing campaign. Tremendous amounts of money were earned by the IT-industry. It must have offered lots of bonusses for people working in that sector in 2000.

The remembrance with a smile is due to the fact that both mayors of the cities, so also at that time Bert Janssen from Landgraaf, liked a Burgundian lifestyle. So actually, our crisis and disaster team and all the people at work got lots of good food and drinks. It was a kind of party. Watching the news with a smile to the island Kiritimati (where a new day in the world starts) and Australia.
And yes, exactly at the Millennium bug moment in our country, change of the year, there was champagne as well. And… nothing happened. Not due to the fact many offices and private people got a new computer.

Good old times to remember with a smile.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The energy of your environment and the influence on your wellbeing

In the footsteps of my mother, I followed an actor training about ten years ago. People who know me will probably get a smile on their face now and think that I didn't need it. Perhaps also because my "root talent" of my talent tree is the Jester. And for sure I received that humor from my mother. But still, as an honor to my mother who was an actress in the Dutch “Haarlem City Theater”, among other things, I obtained my certificate of being an actor.

One of the things I learned in that field was anticipating the energy of the theater hall and the audience. Another thing I learned was how you can share your energy through attitude and body language with only the stage (staying within yourself), with the first row or rows, with the auditorium, or with the entire theater including the balconies. It was an interesting experience and... a feast of recognition. I am an emotional person and pick up energy around me, say the atmosphere, quickly. And I know what an impact that has on me. It even made me sick in 2010.

The basic energy of the audience that comes to a show is completely different on the Friday evening, the Saturday evening, during the matinee on Sunday and on Sunday evening. And although you yourself have the assignment to perform in the same way, you notice that it differs. One of the major factors of influence is the energy of the audience.

In my former job as a director I had to perform on stage often and addressed groups of people of all levels. Naturally feeling free, a gift that I got from my father. I always enjoyed speaking in public about matters I knew about or was responsible for.

People who regularly read my blogs know that I am active here in Chiang Mai on Sundays in the cathedral. Almost every week I am there "on stage". One time I read the scriptures, the other time I am a cantor and I sing psalms.

And last Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, I was again confronted with that energy feeling of my theater education. That Sunday I was in the schedule for singing the psalm. Nice to do.

And when I stood in front of the microphone, I felt the community of around 300 visitors, in one word "flat." Totally different than 'normal'. Perhaps, as a comparison, a bit like the picture on the right, although the energy there could be very good. It felt like there was nobody there at all. A feeling that did not encourage or invite you to sing. Not singing of course was no option. So, I did it. And you know, that is really very hard working, not feeling any energetic response. As if you throw your energy in a deep well and it is gone.

When I asked a few people afterwards, they said, indeed, it was very different than usual. They were amazed I noticed it so strong.

A female colleague told me that she felt it very strongly as well, or actually felt nothing, and thought it might be because of the Christmas meeting and the buffet that we had with four hundred people the night before. Who knows?

Your environment has a huge influence on your well-being and behavior. For example, if there is enthusiasm or pleasure, it gives you energy. It is an encouragement and things flow simply out of yourself when you want to share things. In the situation that I described above or in an environment that does not allows or grant you to succeed, it’s hard working. An exhausting activity.

Be alert. Feel and try to avoid that energy drainage wherever possible. Better for your health.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Mindfulness is selfish?

A short while before I got my burn-out in 2010 I was already practicing meditation and mindfulness. So far is it part of my current lifestyle. I have often written about my enormous lifestyle change. For me it is much more a move along with nature and the rhythm, often the cycle, that you encounter in it. Certainly, many times it gives a delay and you have to get used to it. The culture here in Thailand helps a bit, although I can still get a bit rebellious for all that great at ease. Anyway, just to be honest, stress for me now is something that I can only vaguely remember from the past. And with more attention, or perhaps I should say less distraction, doing things is much more satisfying and delivers higher productivity than all the former multitasking that I once did.

A few weeks ago, reading an article, the writer mentioned mindfulness actually is a very selfish activity. And when I thought about that, I didn't think that was such a strange statement at all. It's just a little too short for me. Not finished yet.

With mindfulness you try to do things in such a way that you are completely present. No skipping steps (much fewer mistakes too) and following the natural process of things and situations. It brings you closer to your own being. And with regard to meditation, the training of your mind, it is indeed all about you. For me, among other things, it makes me feel better as an individual. But to call it selfish?

During my meditation, yoga and Buddhist philosophy classes I regularly mentioned all kinds of topics. Guests also asked about all kind of life themes and backgrounds. In my blogs I often wrote about those matters.
I remember the fright that often appeared on the faces of participants when I stated that you first have to take good care of yourself and that it is not selfish. I do not mean the material matter but the healthy mind in a healthy body. Your holistic health balance (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and causal (the contact with your environment with energy givers and energy drainers)) must be in order. And that requires attention and time. Indeed, for yourself.

Isn't that selfish, as stated in that article? Not so. The story is not finished yet.

In my lessons I always added: If you don't take good care of yourself in the first place to be in optimal condition, how can you optimally be there for other persons and the world around? And I think that completes the circle again. Yes, you start working on yourself to finally share the best of yourself with the world around you out of that firm balance. And that is a growth in relationships and a taking steps in helping each other to act together stronger than individually. Giving the best of yourself in it.

Not so selfish in my opinion.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Lifelines and the future. The (your) plan becoming visible.

No don't be afraid. This is not a blog about future predictions or hand palm reading.

After a morning meditation a while ago, I wondered if 62 years ago, if I had already understood it as a just born baby, I would have believed the future prediction of my life that I have had so far. If someone, with full conviction and with the best intentions, had tried to tell me this, I think I would have laughed a lot, and in particular with disbelief, would have run away. I had a lot of fun about it but believe and trust in it, well…no way. Let’s be serious, I think my thoughts should have been that I would never survive that all.

Starting back from the now, all kinds of lifelines sprang up in my head. Nothing special of course because every person has such a set of lines. We hardly ever think about it.
To mention a few: The lines of health, education, friendships and peoples who inspired you in life changes, relationships, children, places you have lived, faith, work, career & career, fun & disappointments, creativity, talent fulfillment, money, animals in your life, encounters, opportunities, and so much more. The list and the total number of lines, for every person is the same. The courses of the individual lines are different. And that makes lives different, or life paths different.

Those lines, or life experiences, start at birth (or who knows maybe even before that, the Buddhists would say) and stop when you stop breathing (or who knows, they may be the beginning of a life cycle to start). An interesting theme but not for this blog.

Some lines are almost straight and rising. Others curvy, boisterous, sometimes falling. Every line in any case actually unpredictable. Also in the future. If, for example, there is a significant change in your health, this can cause serious effects on your life and lifestyle (as once happened with me).

Every line has a specific story. Fortunately for me personally so far almost all peppered with fun and pleasure.

It is literally incredible that with all those experiences of all those lines, now, here in Thailand, I live the life I live. Actually, a miracle. And again, I am not unique in that because it applies to everyone and has nothing to do with living in Thailand. Looking back, did you ever thought it would be like this?

And from that experience now I really believe, no even more trust (by the way nothing to do with religion although perhaps it has a spiritual touch), that there is a life path or a plan ready for you from the beginning. Step by step the plan becomes increasingly visible to you.

My sister was very sad despite the fact that her son had not been hired for a job that, she thought, was tailor made for him. He did not get it…
Sure, I can understand the feeling of disappointment at the moment you hear it is not him who got the job. On the other hand, you can see this "rejection" as a message that something else is waiting that will bring many more development and growth. By the way, for two parties, including that new employer that did not deserve him. It only needs time to discover this.

Many people strife for "security" in life. Well forget that because that does not exist or does it ...?

When I look back on all those individual lifelines in my life, I realize that there is another, main line in them. That line is my lifepath. And out of thinking and wanting I can put a lot of energy to try to influence that specific (personal) line but unfortunately ... I have to follow the plan.

This interim evaluation, as I see and call it, after that meditation, indicates that I can just trust that path and that it certainly all will be "OK". Don't worry too much if things don't work out the way you would like to (influence) them.

Just as far as possible, enjoy a good life and, above all, enjoy as much as possible and be optimistic. That’s a life attitude. Because you can be sure, at some time the end of all those lines definitely will become visible. Just a natural process.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Especially for you! Really for me?

Years ago, I had a BlackBerry mobile phone from work. Day and night, I received many phone calls and text messages. That telephone was filled with many contacts, many of so-called "VIPs" from government and international organizations.

Here in Thailand for years already I have had a small prepaid mobile phone without a touchscreen. That device costs me around 60 Euro cents per month. There are only a few contacts in. My daughter, son, girlfriend, brother and sisters and only a few friends. My real VIPs in life.

Usually my cell phone rests on the shelf in the kitchen and not on my belt. Maybe I get a call in three or four days. Nobody bother me with phone calls from special promotions (I hate them) but ..., with a cheap subscription, I sometimes get a text message. As a kind of rabbit that is unexpectedly pulled out of a hat. This morning I received one again. 

When I discover that I received a message, I read it. I remove messages in Thai immediately because I cannot read them. And if they are really important, I have already learned that people know where to find me. Usually it's all about money.

Text messages in English usually start with: "Especially for you!" As a first sentence.
And as everyone understands, this is not true. There is nothing special for me in these messages, so I immediately delete them too after reading that first sentence, not wasting time reading the rest of the text. It's for sure another marketing campaign that begs me to buy specifically for the company that wants me to buy something that I don't really need at all. Maybe especially for them and certainly not for me. Like I wrote, I hate all these promotions.

In the same way if I have to buy something in a store that I really need. In many stores, employees come directly to me to tell me that they have a special promotion for me. Not what I want. Sorry about that and thanks.

There is nothing special in this for me personally. It is only about increasing the degree of consumption. Yes, it has everything to do with economics, but not with me.
Christmas is on it's way. At least one month again an hysterical marketing campaign to help people to buy things they do not need. Forgetting the basic story at all... 

Great to have an almost empty cell phone and a calm mind that absolutely does not encourage me to buy things that I don't really need. No unwanted rabbits needed. Only the ones I choose myself.  

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Nature has a lot to tell us. But ... Ants as an example

I'm definitely not a fan of ants in the house. On the other hand, I have to be honest about that, it is not them but us who are the invaders with our houses here in the beautiful paradise where I may live. It was their place they did not have to share with us before. But still ... please stay outside.

It is November 11, full moon. Thailand is celebrating ‘Loy Krathong day’ with its wonderfully beautiful culture. Among other things, honor is given to the water spirits as thanks for the rainy season (needed to harvest the rice) that is being closed.
Everyone knows what an enormous influence the moon has on our lives. And a full moon usually gets full attention. Here in Thailand it is always a so-called Buddha day.

Almost all of the lessons from the great teacher Buddha (not a God) come from nature. It is known that nature was the main source of inspiration for the Buddha. Whether we all see what nature has to tell us and what we learn from it, is increasingly a question for me. We run our rat races. Even more than ants, incidentally, who have a fantastic rhythm of variation in their work and rest pattern and take over jobs.

Talking about those ants.
As usual, my dog ​​jumps on the step of my scooter every morning, (yes, this is Thailand) to go to a daily changing place in the area for a long morning walk. This Loy Krathong day we went to the forest behind my house to a large lake where there is a road to a temple on the hill behind us. A beautiful place and a beautiful route to listen, to stand still, to watch and to smell. Every time different. Also this Loy Krathong day again.

Ants were winding at various places along the road. Thousands in a row in fixed patterns. Really great and amazing to observe. And this time, new to me, most of them carried an ‘egg’. At least, I thought so.
It looked like a train full of white dots. Talk about team spirit, management care, leadership, and so on. It inspired me and I wondered why it was precisely today that the procession was not only black but speckled. And not in one place but on the way to that temple several of those moving long tracks with white dots.
I wondered what it meant to say and tried to discover in the encyclopedia called the internet.

Twice I got a kind of "Whooow" moment and feeling.
First of all, I learned that those ants, indeed under the influence of that full moon and the end of the rainy season, brought their eggs back to their "winter resort". In this climate, this is a space that is more comfortable for them, but runs a risk of being flooded during the rainy season. Clever!
I returned with my camera, which I had forgotten this morning, to capture it. Those ants with their "eggs."

My second Whooow moment came when I looked deeper at the pictures I took on my laptop. I hadn't noticed it on the spot itself. Those ants did not carry eggs at all but, like dogs and cats, their babies in their mouths. And the (orange) toddlers could walk themselves.
It was a huge baby transport to a better place that I had spotted. And think about it that each of these babies also have their own identity and uniqueness. Actually, bad the way I deal with the ants who enter my house…

No wonder that Buddha was so inspired by nature. Glad that I am starting to notice more and more since I live here. Great life lessons in moving with your lifestyle (actually changing it) by reading nature and learning from it. And yes, you need to stop running your rat-race to be open for that.
Incidentally, there were fewer tracks in the 12th of November, and those that were there were "just" and “only” black again.

In this context, it is sad to see how we, and I too belong with my car and scooters belong to that we, with our ‘just throw it away if you cannot use it any more’ culture, are dealing with our magnificent nature. Just leave your rubbish for the next generations ... And yes, this can be individual change of behavior (first) and also (worldwide) cooperation. There are no curtains around countries in relation to for instance air pollution.
Walking the same Loy Krathong day another trail in the forest it made me sad to see this for instance. Not done!

Maybe an idea to enjoy nature a little more often, to be aware, and especially to learn and mirror your own lifestyle. Every season has his lessons. Certainly, again in Europe the beautiful autumn that houses many wonderful stories and lessons.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, November 15, 2019

People come into our lives for a time, for a reason, and we are changed for good.

Mid-October my seventy-two-year-old German neighbor moved. She lived two houses away from me for about two and a half years. We had a lot of contact. Walking in the forest with my dog, I was thinking this morning about how a huge number of people have passed by in my life. What the reasons were and what all this longer or shorter business and private relationships brought. And be sure, of course, not just only for me. All these people (and for me even animals) and contacts had an impact. They changed me for good.

If you think about it for a moment, everything has a reason and nothing is forever. For example, television series like the Flintstones or Popeye the sailor man from my youth have made way for new things now. And these new things now, are also temporary again because there will certainly be new ones.

The similarity I see in all those people I have come across at school, during internships, in the hospitality branch, during courses, in service clubs, in my work in the Netherlands and abroad, during crisis and disasters, during retreats and life-coaching, and in my private life, is that they all are or were a life development direction indicator for me. For a shorter or longer time our individual lifepaths merged.

Fortunately, I look back on many good encounters. Actually countless. If I take the time to think back I still very, very much still remember many of them.
Lesser ones of course I also had. Such as in Barneveld (The Netherlands), where I was allowed to work for a while and where our family was confronted with religious discrimination and an attempt to kidnap me. Or in the province Zeeland (The Netherlands) where, in my eyes and at least in the period that I worked there, in the so called ‘higher’ levels of decision makers, the grant factor to succeed was regularly missing, and were island culture and played ‘power games’ played an important disguised role in organization developments. But whether they were really bad encounters? From my life development direction indicator that I just mentioned, actually they were not bad.

All those people and their encounters had and have a reason. And yes, those were and are double "for good". In a way to give direction to what is good for me and on the other hand because they have changed me for good, forever. They all were bricks to build my life-path to where I am now.

They have brought a lot. New visions of life for example. They opened windows and doors of life that I might never have opened on my own.

Great to meet new people (and animals) regularly and actually to let go of old contacts as well. It indicates that you are still growing and are also available to help others in their growth.

And yes, sometimes that makes me a bit sad. Especially with those who feel good, such as this German neighbor. And yet ... not complaining, but being thankful and grateful, and trusting that new doors and windows will open not only for yourself but also for the other persons to continue each life path.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Great service from my Thai dentist. That's another way to do it.

Just like in the Netherlands, also here in Thailand, every six months I go to the dentist for my, as I always call it, periodic maintenance. Already seven years I use the same clinic. ( Check & Clean and most of the time the dentist will immediately do minor treatments that are needed. My daughter Carlien also goes to the same clinic here when she comes to visit me from Perth (Australia).

Last week I discovered my last periodical check was from eight months ago. Two months later than normal. I just forgot to make an appointment.

Sundaymorning, November 3, on my way to church I passed the clinic. They were open as usual on Sundays and I walked in to make an appointment. Great, they just got free space the next day at 7 pm. Very quick.

It is a modern and busy clinic where six dentists practice and orthodontics is also done.

I was early last Monday evening. Measure blood pressure and wait in the filled waiting room.
Just after seven, "Khun Frans" was picked up. Entry of the treatment room always is a bit of a party because the entire chair has to be (automatically) rebuilt. 1.91 Meters high, most Thai don't reach. Two assistants and when everything was ready I got a green surgical cloth, with a hole in it for my mouth, over my head. Spotlight switched on and… checking. Feeling, pricking, fiddling, spraying with air and water (at least that is how it feels) and after a thorough inspection the rag went off again.

I received a compliment. Everything looked perfect and even cleaning would be nonsense. “My compliments. Your teeth are in excellent condition and you take great care of them. For me you can go home again. I don't have to do anything about this. If you get complaints then you know where to find us and otherwise, I would like to see you again in six months."

Really? Can I go home again? Nothing to do? Yep!
And at a quarter past seven I got on my scooter again on my way home.

Slightly surprised, I left the clinic again and greeted the friendly receptionist in her surgical cloths.

When I got home, I thought about whether I had understood everything correctly. I did not need any dental cleaning (who knows because I have been taking almost no sugar anymore for months), but work was done on me and didn’t I see things were immediately cleaned when I left?

It actually felt nice but not quite right.
And so, I decided to go back on Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock. The same receptionist in new operating clothes. I asked my question. She laughed kindly and said: “No, you don't have to pay anything. It's fine this way. See you in half a year. "
So in fact I only had to pay my own 'call-out costs' ;). 

Look, that's what I call great service. That's another way to do it…

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The different approach of the home doctor. Talking about the power of positive thinking.

A hard job, nowadays, to be a home doctor I guess. It seems to me to be energy draining to get over and over again people with all kinds of smaller and bigger ailments into your practice who have already swept the entire internet before their visit to discover what is wrong with them. As a doctor you get the cause and solution already thrown on your desk and you only have to say yes or no. At least, I have such a feeling and idea. To be sure and maybe because the on internet advised treatment is not fast enough, patients still stop by. And if you need medication you will need a prescription in most cases so you have to visit your doctor.

The focus is on the treatment of complaint or disease and you also want answers and solutions. Seems logical or not ...

I was recently having a chat and drinking a cup of coffee with a good acquaintance who lives nearby. He shared with me that he once for a couple of years had a relationship with a female home doctor. Someone with great knowledge, skills and above all feeling. Many times at that time he was surprised when she was the doctor in charge during a nightshift. She sometimes advised people to take a paracetamol and to see her or their doctor the next day. In other cases, apparently for him the same situations, she jumped out of bed and hurried to the patient. In retrospect, it almost always turned out to be the right decision. When he asked her about it, she always said it was her feeling. Great and, based on his story, in my eyes really a professional.

Yet she had something negative about him and her approach of situations, he continued his story. Besides being bossy, her basic attitude was thinking from a negative approach. From pessimism, fear, threat and from what could go wrong, instead of from optimism and trust in what was good and could even become better.

From his study, experience and background in coaching, he once told her the following story as an example.
If a patient comes to you with a disease, then you usually dive into, focus on it, just out of your professionalism. What would it be like if you listened to that story and first reacted in a totally different way you are used to so far? For example, someone has an upset stomach. As a doctor you could say to the patient (and not just only think): “Your lungs are good, your heart does not show any problems at first sight. Your eyes are not only beautiful but also very clear. You can hear me very well. Your body actually looks very good for your age. The grip of your hand when you gave me a hand is firm. So, in my eyes, basically are very healthy. And what does not feel good with your stomach?

The way he told me helped me to nearly laugh out loud. And yet ... yes, trying to imagine the energy of visiting the doctor was also in a positive way already different for me. And of course, it is true that most people who go to the doctor with an ailment actually in general are healthy. A lot of our ‘not feeling well’ has to do with our mind. Be sure I do not want to play down health treatments with this blog neither I am a doctor.

My friend said that his girlfriend that time also had to laugh heartily about the story. She decided to give it a chance and started to work with it. And directly it had visible results on her patients. During her yearly ‘fresh-up’ meetings with colleagues, she shared her story and experiences.

Indeed, part of looking at your work and the world around you and how you deal with it is in your nature. Has to do with your character. Or actually… not at all.
His story that he further shared with me was that she had learned it by herself without even knowing it. In the family in which she grew up, things were always looked at out of a negative approach and fear. From threat, danger and risk. She got used to this approach and did not know other ways to deal with. So now it was a matter of unlearning. Something that is really very possible. Not easy but possible.

Fortunately, I don't know many days in my life with negative thinking so far.
And in the land of the smile in which I can live here, in my eyes that is an extra profit.

There is (almost) always something positive, another possible turn you sometimes not immediately see, on the road that currently seems negative.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, October 25, 2019

My best friend keeps me mentally and physically in a healthy condition and makes me laugh regularly.

On November 2, 2012, almost seven years ago, for the first time I wrote about a new addition to my life. I wrote in that blog "to be continued". And a few times before I mentioned my best friend in my blogs. Kadhow, my "wolf". Then a puppy and now, seven years later, still actually a puppy. Wonderful to live with.

And yes, of course, having such a friend gives you limitations, but for me it still doesn't outweigh so much that you receive.

Here in Thailand they sometimes must think this man is crazy. A country with an overkill of dogs and then this, "Royal" temple dog touring this beautiful country on the scooter and in the car. Walks along on a leash with a collar with a bell on it. Actually, more than crazy with all those dogs here that roam free and mostly are wild.

My girlfriend regularly tells me that I have changed myself. First, I was "boss" and I regularly had a car with driver. Now I am my dog's private driver. Yep, it can be. I think Kadhow, that is his name, is now one of the most traveled dogs in Thailand. He loves the car and when we travel we only visit and spend money on places where he is 'accepted'. That number of places indeed limits us. It's just the way it is.

He is used to visiting a restaurant and staying a or some nights elsewhere in a hotel and behaves more than neatly. Great to see the wondering faces of the Thai.

A while ago I picked up my girlfriend from her work in Bangkok. A tough journey with quite a bit of delay due to heavy weather conditions during the trip. Still ... the Mazda braved deep water and Kadhow, just like me, must have felt in a boat from time to time.
We were on our way to the Thai province of Nakhon Ratchasima and after the long drive I was pretty tired I can tell you. I just wanted to relax. First out of this metropolis. That worked out only slowly.

Yes, a hotel. Pffff. I wanted to stop there. My girlfriend thought that was a good decision in itself, but she said: "I think this is a sex hotel". Very common here.
It didn't bother me, I just wanted to stop driving because it was no longer safe and my girlfriend, after a long day of working, didn't really like to drive in the late evening as well. Kadhow was not an option of course, but also wanted to stop and leave the car after the long ride.
So, we tried to go there. My girlfriend, in perfect Thai of course, asked the guard/receptionist if there was a room available for one night. No problem. And yes it was a sex hotel.
But…"Can we also take the dog?" I believe that the man almost fell off his chair. He never got this question before I guess. And as far as he was concerned, eventually everything need to have a first time experience. So, he agreed. We laughed a lot.

And what about that physical and mental condition and that best friend?
He delivers it all with a big happy curl in his tail. My son, Rik, once brought me a booklet about the behavioral characteristics of a dog and how you can notice his communication with you and vice versa. Well, I think Kadhow has only one attitude and that is "happy".

He gives me physical and mental fitness every day. Active hiking in the forest for a few hours a day, enjoying what nature has to offer. A form of meditation. Awareness with a nice word.
And indeed, as Rik as animal specialist and caretaker regularly says, you can often rely more on animals than on people because they are always "real". Yep, indeed a more than very special friend.

It is still a puppy after seven years. And maybe my girlfriend is right that he is now my "boss". Fun! I feel more than fine with this healthy friend.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Daddy, I look more and more like you.

Recently I heard the Dutch song "Papa, ik lijk steeds meer op jou” (Daddy, I look more and more like you) by the Dutch singer Stef Bos once again. And damn, the more I think about it, it is indeed true. I look more and more like my dad. And although the lyrics say that we will never meet again after death, that does not apply to my dad and me. Although he passed away many years ago already, we meet each other every day.

I never thought that because we were so different, and I also experience on a daily base a huge influence in my life from the person I am named after.

And how does it show itself that I feel more and more like my dad?
Without ever thinking about it, I took over a daily ritual from my father. His winged quote; "A healthy mind in a healthy body". I live. At least I try to live. Daily one hour of yoga for example. And what a surprise, writing this blog, I find this picture of him. Even doing one of the same exercises.
No, I don't need to go to a fitness center. I don't call it discipline either. It is not like many a kind of temporary fitness overkill. A normal ritual indeed. And that mind too, certainly here in Thailand, receives sufficient training in rest and awareness through daily meditation and practicing the art of stopping on a regular base and not allowing myself to be influenced by all kinds of negativity. “Pick the day!” By the way, a statement from my mother.

Sayings from my dad as:
"Clean up your mess", "Boy, just do normal", "Switch off the light if you are not in your room", "Keep moving if you have an injury", "Be optimistic till the coffin and enthusiast till your last breath" and so much more. I hear them really daily and often I get a smile on my face. Certainly, with that "just behave, do normal". Sign that I still regularly release the puppy within myself. How easy it is to make some fun and get fun in return.
More and more I live his rituals.

His two wines a day are two beers a day with me, the only difference I take twice a year for six weeks an alcohol fast.
Active. I really don't have to think about a (in my opinion) useless hanging around life or sitting behind the geraniums wasting my lifetime. There is still too much to do, to experience and to share in my life.

And in the church as well. I may fulfill the role of Eucharistic Minister and Cantor here in the Cathedral of Chiang Mai, I see his rituals, as a still young boy I witnessed every Sunday at my hometown, pass by every week. It makes me grateful and happy.

And so, there is more and more. I copy behavior? I don't know, it feels like my own, although biological 50% originated from my father, of course. I feel great about it all.

My dad was and stayed very healthy with his active lifestyle, being optimistic and enthusiast for more than 93 years of life, as he always called it.

At least I hope to look like him with that number as well. Staying healthy is a great asset for that. Who knows that one of my slogans: "There is only one goal in life and that is to LIVE" can add even a little extra.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.