In 2016 I already wrote a blog about touching (“The powerof touching. Encounter jewels of aliveness and energy in your existence..”). Doing a course at the moment to become a certified Tantra teacher, touching again gets a lot of attention and brings even more insight for me.
There is a lot to
discover in relation to touching. Physical aspects and sensations of feeling
differences in temperature, structure, size, softness, etcetera, but, on the
other hand and with an even deeper meaning the energetic sensation. The
connection or flow of life-force energy.
Actually, we touch with all our senses and all the information together brings an emotion and the quality of connection formed by our mind.
Doing this course now, again made clear to me that there are different ways of touching. Real touching connection and touching ‘not touching’. And you cannot lie about it because people (especially women) feel it.
As an example, you just have to walk in a walking street and see (and even feel) the sensations of people walking hand in hand. A young (or elderly) couple in love or people who hold each other’s hand but are not really interested at all in each other anymore. Holding a kind of dead end. Touching, not touching.
Doing my course to become an actor, many years ago, we learned over one hundred ways to say ‘Yes’. Around five in a way you actually express ‘No’. It’s just the way you say it.
And with touching it is the same but… you cannot act or fool somebody even if you think you are a professional in it. It is not only the way you touch. The life-force energy that is involved in touching makes the difference. It shows, intuitively and totally right, if the expressed actions of touching of the other person is the right one or just only fake. Something, by the way, that says a lot about the person you try to connect with.
And maybe women are more sensitive for it then men as my Tantra course proposes. But men, it’s just nature, also have this or can develop (and do not forget animals who are maybe the most sensitive for it). You feel (experience) the difference between real connection and unreal (dead end) connection. Also, in the art of loving.
Some last words.
In Asia I live in a
culture not really used to touching. And at the moment because of that worldwide
virus a ‘distance society’ is created.
People think technique and all kind of social media will keep us connected. In a way that’s true. On the other hand, we need to understand that any life-force energy flow, needed to feel real, deep and high-quality personal connection, will be more and more lost. Putting at stake the quality of friendships and relationships.
Awareness, right intentions, time for each other without disturbances, focus, being relaxed an touching are elements that truly help to make them stronger. Maybe Tantra can help.
Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)
Captijn Insight. Catalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.