Friday, February 1, 2013

Grow by sharing

Many plants / trees will grow better in small groups. Papaya Trees are a good example. They provide and share shade and rain (through their leaves) with and for each other and only bear fruit (cross-fertilization) by the presence of each other. The principle of growing through sharing.

In my opinion this is a perfect way to grow. Share your knowledge and skills with each other and deploy your talents and qualities. This is, in my view, absolutely no competition or abuse of others. As long as you also share your growth and where possible working together to achieve better results.

Every person has a unique set of talents and combination. There's really no one with the same combination. As 'talenteer'  I am experiencing that by working with talents and life missions of people. By developing what you're good at, rather than working on things that you don't like because you can't do themin your 'own way', you will grow in a natural way. If you dare to share with others is the sum of the performance more than the sum of the individual parts. You also have 'less' to do. You are in "flow" because you are doing things which you totally like. That will give energy rather than it will cost energy.

If you want to develop your 'birth gift' of talents then you'll need food, attention, space and freedom often also are required. You can compare your growth in opportunities and development with the cultivation of seeds.

Maybe you remember whether or not, from your childhood, the process of thé culture or breeding dish. You fill it with fertile soil, put in the seeds, provide sufficient water, light and energy. Heat which provided by the sun and protected by the glass or plastic cover over the cultivation container, is built up. From that moment on you give, on one hand, the process rest and on the other, attention.

If your attention wanes, you no longer give food or water, you can see the seeds come up and dry out completely. Not conducive in order to grow, let alone eventually to flourish.
Also, you don't want to stand on those seeds. Should you do it anyway, and if you eventually already have seen results, you'll see the damage incurred.

Once the seeds germinated , the seedlings will start growing in a steady pace. Until that at any moment will take other forms. If the space is too small, the plants compete with each other. They 'steal' each others light and draw nutrients away from each other. One will grow better than the other ... however none of them will grow in an optimal way. Time to do some repotting. More space to grow. A gardener knows like no other the right time to repot in order to give each plant the best opportunity for growth.
This process must successively take place a number of times.

Eventually, when the plants already are small trees, it will be good for them, to put them, with enough space in between, in the 'full soil'.

If you viewed, in the light of the story above, your own process of growth and development, you might want to take time to give answers to the questions that I have written below.

Are you working or living in an environment that invites you to grow and develop personally?
-           Are you working or living in an atmosphere where your stage of growth is similar to that of the organization or your environment?
-           Do you get enough room for growth?
-           Are you nourished enough?
-           Do you get enough attention?
-           Do you have to compete with others?
-           Is there enough challenge?
-           Can you grow by sharing with others?
In some programs of Villa Asia we will go deeper into that material. Understanding and directions for solutions are 'born' in a natural way in people . A revelation, to experience the 'profit' of guests afterwards.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”

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