Friday, January 22, 2016

When the boy or the girl is happy… more happiness!

“When the boy in a man is happy, the man is happy.”
“When the girl in a woman is happy, the woman is happy.”

Just a statement, made by a CEO of an international organization in Hong Kong, I heard during one of my Hikes.

When we grow up in life we start to ‘behave’. We conduct ourselves towards others in accordance with the accepted norms of a society or a group. We lose - but more and more long to - our childhood. 
Childhood. The time of discovering, exploring, the guts to pass thresholds, playing (some the jester), touching and learning life, of being curious in connecting. No to much worried of adapting to culture, sometimes religion and/or environment.

Because of things that have hurt us or are not acceptable in our society or group, we start to learn how to deal with a couple of main primary life issues; How to stay safe and how to survive? So without even being aware of this, we cover ourselves with protection veils or in some cases even harnesses. Without even knowing we tie the child in us and try not to listen to the boy or girl inside any more.

Growing older and older there can be a period we more and more long to listen to our inner boy, or girl, the child inside. Getting children can be such a period. Because of them we grant ourselves sometimes to behave as a child. And be aware what it, most of the times, brings. Big smiles, lots of energy, real connection, living (again for a short while?).

There is nothing wrong with listening more and more to your boy and girl inside. Listen to them. You know how to deal with the signals they give. Follow them. Be playful, laugh, smile, explore. You do not only make yourself more happy. Your different energy also will influence the world around you in a positive way. 
See situations and the world around not always as serious. It is only YOU who create your world.

Listen to your inner boy or girl and make them happy.

“When the boy in a man is happy, the man is happy.”
“When the girl in a woman is happy, the woman is happy.”

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”

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