Friday, June 3, 2016

Did you ever met your private doorkeeper?

At least once a day we take a shower or wash ourselves. We take care of our body. Lots of people join fitness programs on a daily or weekly base or work on and with their physical body to try to keep it healthy. We are more aware of what we eat and so forth.

But what about our mind? We forget that the real ‘computer’ of our body is the mind (and not the heart). What, on a daily base, do you do to take care of your mind? I think lots of people do not know what to answer on this question. And some maybe will say I meditate. And yes at least that’s something but how do you keep free space in the mind?

Our mind is full, most of the time more than full and even overflowing. At a certain moment we want to take a break or a holiday. A one, two or three week period of rest or something else. Most of the time it creates some space and rest but only for a very short time. Being back and going on living the way we did before brings us back on the same track of stress and mental overflow soon again. Disturbing our sleep etc..

Even during our holidays we do not really take time and give attention to a form of mental cleaning. We cannot live without our mobile devices anymore because we are addicted to them. They are more and more related with a lifestyle that support us to fly away from ourselves. Marketing supports us to ‘help’ us to give attention to all kind of things we have to believe they make and or keep us happy and healthy. Quicker and more information. And what we actually do is throwing more and more rubbish in our mental garden called mind. Not strange we get a headache sometimes or are not really connected with our love ones and environment anymore.

Did you ever met your private guard, your personal doorkeeper? We do not even know her/him and if we know do not give attention or listen to this personal guard.

YOU are the only one who can reign your own life. So manage your life. And one of the things in managing your own life is to make use of your private guard. She/he is the one who is in charge of all the information that comes in and goes out of your mind. So switching off, disconnect to connect, actually is not a bad thing. What are the things in your life that are really worthwhile to know and to support your personal well-being and growth?

Do not disturb! Be your personal guard / doorkeeper and make the decision of what comes in. You will see, after making up your room first, - empty and organize your ‘personal backpack’, clean the garden of your mind, letting go of things from the past that do not support you in your grow any longer -, you are able to keep space in your mind. It gives you resilience, freedom to breath, clarity and less stress.

Manage to be less disturbed less. Reduce (get rid of) the unorganized rubbish in your head - make up 'room' - and use your private guard to keep things organized, with space, neat and clean. Nothing wrong with also paying attention and taking care of your brain on a daily base.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.” 

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