Two weeks ago, after my first morning class, there was
a young woman from the Czech Republic who joined me on my walk back to my
house. She had a personal question. For a period of time already she had a
relationship with her, now 38 years old, boyfriend. It worked out he used to
work day and night for the company. On weekends, when the firm he worked for
was closed, he did not feel really at ease ... and so… went to work. She called
him a workaholic and felt that their relationship was at stake. Because in his
opinion he did not have - or would not take - the time to go on vacation
together, work after all called him as priority, she finally had decided to
award herself with her personal gift to take “me-time” for a week and to stay
at our ‘purifying body and mind resort’. But still, she did not really feel
comfortable with her decision and the situation she was in, otherwise this
theme was not bothering her during her holidays.
She asked me, because she knew a little bit of my
background, if I had loved my previous work. Whether it gave me energy, and if
I had fun in doing the things I did that time.
I wholeheartedly admitted. I added to this that I
still feel passion, engagement and inspiration for that job and that there are
things going on in my former organization now that still hurt me a lot.
She went on questioning why I resigned or quit with my
job, still giving me a lot of satisfaction, and what this decision did to me. She
invited me to give her some tips and/or tricks. Perhaps she could help her boyfriend
with them. She wanted to get some tools to help her strengthen their
relationship or at least give more work – life balance for him.
I explained to her that she actually, in my opinion, could
hardly help her boyfriend with this issue. He had to find out himself. The age
of 38 is a perfect age (mid-life crisis) to do. The natural moment in life you
start dealing with the question: “What is my life all about?”
It is a natural process after studying people start
their careers. In it, there are many who go for reaching “the top” (now I
understand this cost you a lot of effort and energy and over and over again you
will discover, being “on top”, a new “top” arises. There is no end. Reaching “the
top” is an ego driven matter actually not satisfying at the long run. Often
leaving a trail of destruction in your personal and family life behind.
Be aware you are already at the top if you learn to LIVE life. There is nothing to attain. When you really live life every day you reach a destination. Hold there, turn around, be proud of yourself (reaching the top of today), breath in and breath out, what did you learn? Today is the day to make the next first step on the path called living. You do not encounter yourself on the way to the top, but - most of the time in a very hard and confronting way - on your way to the valley.
Questions or comments like; "What are you living for?", "What is the purpose of your life?", "Do you live to work or do you work to live?", "Who are you?", "What inspires you in life?" "What would you do if you even have to live for three more months?" are questions that do not plop up in most people’s mind in this season of their lives and career.
Be aware you are already at the top if you learn to LIVE life. There is nothing to attain. When you really live life every day you reach a destination. Hold there, turn around, be proud of yourself (reaching the top of today), breath in and breath out, what did you learn? Today is the day to make the next first step on the path called living. You do not encounter yourself on the way to the top, but - most of the time in a very hard and confronting way - on your way to the valley.
Questions or comments like; "What are you living for?", "What is the purpose of your life?", "Do you live to work or do you work to live?", "Who are you?", "What inspires you in life?" "What would you do if you even have to live for three more months?" are questions that do not plop up in most people’s mind in this season of their lives and career.
And in this situation and period of career
life, maybe it sounds crazy or sad, we mainly only stick on all kind of problems
we think we need to solve, and that devour our energy. We barely have sight,
no, we hardly award ourselves time, to enjoy all those freely available things (the
many wonders of life) that give energy to us. And yes, in many cases, this
causes suffering in our personal/family love and relationship. If children are
born, so a family life really starts, positions in the pyramid of unconditional
love change. Children immediately are on top. If responsibilities in work
getting more, big chance this also takes its toll in the personal / family / love
I married my work and my already for many years ex-wife.
In my personal life, for example, the over-commitment and availability for my work, and a period in the nineties of insecurity - to attempted kidnapping and threats to our home address -, are certainly to blame for my marriage broke up.
In my personal life, for example, the over-commitment and availability for my work, and a period in the nineties of insecurity - to attempted kidnapping and threats to our home address -, are certainly to blame for my marriage broke up.
Work – Life balance faded further and
further away. And to be honest maybe work also increasingly offered the
opportunity to escape myself. A kind of fear to come home to myself, to listen
to my real inner voice, not the voices in my head (I thought they were mine) from
parents, ancestors, relationships, masters in my life. Voices in relation to my
I married the fire-brigade, my work, and showed it the day of our marriage. That time it looked fun but we married in an old and famous fire-truck. Thinking about this now it already showed the seed for a disturbed work - life balance was there.
I married the fire-brigade, my work, and showed it the day of our marriage. That time it looked fun but we married in an old and famous fire-truck. Thinking about this now it already showed the seed for a disturbed work - life balance was there.
In other words, wake up, something goes
wrong! But I, Frans Captijn as a member of the Captijn family, would just show the
world that I had everything under control. So… no way. This thought and the
related actions were a big mistake. Grateful and thankful I got a second chance
getting my traffic accident in the Dutch Westerschelde tunnel (a friend reminded me 'the deepest spot in the Netherlands') to discover I had a huge burn-out. Why always
waiting for this kind of experiences??? Do not take life (or second chances)
for granted!
It's all happening in our minds.
Now I have been given the insight that I
only thought I did a great merit by my commitment, and that I was actually
indispensable. What I did not see was I excessively consumed my inner energy
without sufficient recharging. My living and working habitat (missing grant factors and underwater profiles/different agendas) had great impact
on this energy draining. And yes, my ego played tricks with me.
The words of my father: "If you are
part of the Captijn family, remember this. When we start with something we
finish it". Right! A great quote. I just did not realize that several
times I was already finished. One of my strengths is I am good at executing
change. After that change other type of people were needed. But I did not
recognize this at that moment. I knew my passion but did not know enough my
mission. I did not let go.
I was not essential or indispensable. Except
for just my relationship, my family and a number of dear friends they were true. After all I nearly lost
them all! Wake up!
Too many beautiful things slipped away.
Just because my behavior of being too much connected with work. I did not take time for example to see the balance in nature.All this things
always were there for me but I did not, no, did not take the time to see that what
I was doing / ruining only was driven by my thoughts and ego. And exactly this
makes me even more grateful for my life (style) change here in Thailand.
We are (make ourselves) so busy that we
hardly take time for the people who love us, or even to think about ourselves.
Our society is so organized that if we want to take that time, immediately we get
an offer by i-phone helping us NOT to do it. To go on with the steady ‘feed’ of
information of the outside world. There are many ways we can escape ourselves….
We cannot manage our own lives and starting
to do that is the first step. Before any career or before any position we want
to share what we have on the inside.
in our programs are urged to give a rest to their mobile phone and other
supporting media equipment and/or devices throughout our programs. In the
majority of cases, first this is shown to be a huge task. What about mastering
your own life sometimes I ask myself? So far in all cases it worked out to be a
wonderful experience afterwards. It re-claims conversation and personally
life is too much filled with suffering or worrying about all sorts of problems we
(a lot of time only) think it is our task to solve. We lack the idea much amazing
free miracles are available for us.
choice to leave that matter or to give it attention is finding the balance.
Balance is movement. This movement is consuming energy but also giving energy.
choice to stay in and constantly face the “workaholic mode”? No problem. At an
unexpected moment your body takes over the ruling of your life. You “only’ create
some new (mental and physical) problems to manage. Hospitals, doctors and
psychologists enough who are willing to receive the money you “earned” for them…
better hope, like me, you afterwards get a chance to find out that there is
only one goal in life and that is LIVING. Do not wait too long…
And in
relation to the young Czech woman? I praise her she had the guts to choose her
own health and balance, and to manage her own life. What's it worth living? If
you do not take care of yourself first, and that’s not an egoistic thought, you
cannot be there for 100% for the world around you. For yourself, your
relationships, your family, your environment, your career and your work.
managing your life first, find the right work – life balance. Stop your general
excuses. They are only in your head. It’s just a matter of choice.
(picture I took from a picture at the 6th floor corridor of the Fusionsuites hotel Saigon, Vietnam, September 10 2016)
(picture I took from a picture at the 6th floor corridor of the Fusionsuites hotel Saigon, Vietnam, September 10 2016)
Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight
Captijn Insight: “Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”
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