I am convinced that the majority of people assume that changes are not possible or at least hard to do and too risky. Their basic attitude of thinking is that changes cannot be made or that things or solutions are not available. It sometimes seems to me a kind of laziness.
example, if you go to a hardware store here, it is really teeming with staff
and if you ask if they have something you're looking for, the answer is almost
invariably; "My mee" (No we don't have). Two shelves further in the
same store you suddenly come across the article you are looking for yourself.
Or you get an answer; "My dy" (No, that is not possible).
No, it is
not something typically Eastern culture. For the vast majority of people,
thinking from potential threats is much more deeply built in, call it rooted,
than thinking from possibilities and especially opportunities. No, of course,
it is not always possible to achieve everything you want. Many underlying
issues are to blame for this. But still…
Even in
photography you already learn that if you take a photo from a different angle
or change your own point of view, you put things in a completely different
light. Sometimes a true discovery of a different picture that makes photography
even an art.
My dog
often helps me with this because there is a 130 cm height difference in how
he and I look at the same world in a different way. And now and then going down
on your knees, regularly produces surprising pictures.
you just have to dare to look beyond borders, especially your personal borders.
Yes, indeed, that might need some guts. Jumping into the so-called
"deep" invites you to become creative and to look for ways to at
least float, doesn't it? And from time to time that requires a considerable
effort. It is also a personal journey of discovery.
And now
say yourself and from your own experience. In retrospect, can you not usually
be proud of yourself because you have taken that leap? No regrets. It opens up
new possibilities and ... change is growth (although at first glance you may
not see it that way).
'It's not
possible!'? Stop that saying for a moment. At least do not start with it. Take
a step back and start thinking from a different angle such as: "That could
be a nice adventure and ... who knows!".
And I am
not referring to a form of reckless behavior. Do show courage to take steps in your
further development and growth or, as in the example above, to better
understand your profession and to show and feel an attitude of genuine customer
loyalty and support.
And with
regard to the latter, after all, aren’t it your customers who bring your
monthly salary. Something, for me, that does not say you have to treat of call
your customers King. Just a normal customer relation is sufficient.
creative people who act from a basic attitude of “Yes, I can” show in practice
(I recently received this photo as an example from my daughter from Australia)
is that, from a different perspective and a little creativity, much and much
more can be done and achieved than you ever thought possible.
And it
also even brings you many times some money.
Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)
Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)
Captijn Insight. Catalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.
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