Friday, May 24, 2013

Mindfulness, more attention less worrying ...

I am now just over a year in Thailand. A totally different life. Some people say it is turned 180 degrees. This is exactly how it feels for me too. A uniform with cap full of gold, in which you express that you actually represent and play a role (which incidentally I was proud to present), is traded in for breezy white cotton pants and a T-shirt imprinted with the text 'Mindfulness'.

A fantastic experience to re-live things I used to do in my 'vicious circle' (and I think a lot of people still do), from a completely different side. I live again, I can be me, enjoy everything much more and it also has additional, measurable results. You lose "friends" who turned out to be not friends but 'energy drains' and get many more valuable new contacts instead, who are worthwhile (for you and them).

This week, after one year, in relation with an application for an extension of my Thai driving license, I had to visit the doctor for a physical check-up. After only one year she 'took stock'. And yes, that of course remains a moment in time but still. I am relaxed. Stress I no longer know. Actually, my blood pressure has, without medication, significantly decreased to normal proportions. I am seeing things differently and enjoy much more by being aware of the environment in which I live. I have even, without so much as following any (detox) program, lost 5 kg in weight. And I still enjoy a nice can of (Chang) beer outside our programs. And super enjoying the Thai range of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Our new 'habitat' in Northern Thailand is definitely super debit to those positive medical results. I do realize that more and more. This habitat is the birthplace of Mindfulness and Awareness. The cradle of conscious living in the here and now. No digital agenda on your belt, no phone in your pocket, no watch on your wrist, turning on the computer if you have time for it and also want to take time to do so. Actually, it's simply taking time to live. Not one day is like the one before. You open yourself to the path that is created under your feet. You are not judgmental. You see, hear, smell, feel and taste so much more ... It is being who you are and feeling what you feel.

Woolly socks? Completely derailed after such a long time in a 'big' position in the Netherlands? To me absolutely not! An enrichment! In my eyes a gift to be woken up, to be able to look with different eyes. “If you close your eyes and feel and listen to your true self inside, you can come out of your circle and can always start again.”, is said in a poem about stepping out of your vicious circle.

Mindfulness on my shirt? What is that.

I am learning it more and more and can share my experiences more often. Mindfulness is paying full attention and, without judging your own thoughts or feelings, experience the Here &Now. Becoming quiet and paying attention to what is and / or what you are doing.

Fuzzy? I thought so at first, and yet ... I experience it differently now and the reactions of our guests are confirming it too. An article in the Dutch magazine 'Ode' in January / February 2013 (p.15) states that in a recent public meta-analysis of 22 studies taken in Europe, Canada and the U.S., has been scientifically proven Mindfulness reduces depression and anxiety disorders. So, attention and concentration techniques, yoga and meditation, do really matter. There is nothing wrong in learning new abilities so you can deal with emotions in a more positive way rather than swallowing a pill.

With mindfulness you get into your strength. I already wrote about this in my book "Quest for personal mastership '. There is 'awareness', a better knowledge of, and insight into what is happening in the here and now. From there, there is a "being." Without reluctance and desires. You are less in resistance against the present or wanting something else in its place. Automatically there is connection and space. This leads to movement in which you find and keep your natural power.

Be more aware of the benefits of Mindfulness. You can experience so much more real attention and so much less worrying. Do you really want to put it into practice ? There are more than enough possibilities, certainly in your neighborhood too. Do you want to experience it, businesslike, private, or even Hobby (Mindful Photography) in a unique way ? The doors of Captijn Insight and Villa-Asia are wide open.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”

Friday, May 10, 2013

Sometimes I think we are sick because of our 'health'.

OK, I'm no doctor but I know many doctors. Now that we are living a while in Asia I talk with doctors who know all kinds of diseases in tropical countries and they also know how to treat them.

I contend with the question: ' who is healthier? The people living here or we (in the west)? '

If you're traveling from Western Europe or America (to Asia) you will always be advised to contact one or other form of a health service. This to ask for advice about the vaccinations you should get for the country that you’ll visit.
Often even an expensive “joke”. The recommendations seem, if you ask some travel companies, also frequently depend on local doctor, to be different.

If you want to make a trip from Asia to Europe you often won’t get the advice  to get any vaccination.
If (ever) you hear something about or read on the internet about getting shots, you’ll find information about Tetanus and maybe sometimes even on the annual flu or sometimes Q fever.

Why do we have to get whole “cocktails” of all kinds of medication prescribed in advance, so there considering our 'health' as little as possible can go wrong during our vacation or trip?

In any case, to me (not as an MD) it looks like we, are sick of ' health '.
In addition, there are many, well-educated, doctors here who laugh about this nevertheless …

Last week we had a pleasant meeting with two driven people from Malaysia who have been over 14 years working in healthy products. If you look into it, you’ll get scared by how chemical companies and multinationals are “treating” us daily in our ' welfare state '.

Of course, the stories about (artificial) fragrance, color, taste substances and ' E numbers ' are already known for much longer. Now we found out that, in low concentrations, in nearly any product a kind chemical dump takes place. In toys, cosmetics, soft drinks, (laundry) detergents, toothpastes, foods, skin & hair care and whatever you’ll name.
If the influence of those toxic chemicals that through your mouth, your lungs or your skin getting into you gets too much at any time than you can take any medication  that makes you ' healthy ' again.

Would that maybe be an  answer to my question? The vast majority of people here don’t know all  those fantastic products, which are touted in great marketing advertisements, (because you really don't need them) yet.

We are so (UN) healthy that we hardly are resistant to sometimes the smallest ailments.
Day after day we become a little bit sicker through everything we eat and use. Who knows, the people here are yet much healthier than we are.

What a change and new perspectives ... I never, in my job that focused on safety and health in Netherlands, focused on this. Now however, having met with these two people from Malaysia, I’ll study this more.

The experiences and perspectives we will use for sure in one of our work programs.
With renowned specialists, we already implemented the first contacts.

Will be continued for sure.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”