Friday, June 26, 2020

Permanent control and less and less freedom under the excuse of Corona. “Big brother watching you” even more...

I am not someone who believes in all kinds of conspiracy theories. It are mainly movies that show us and take us into their script to believe in it for a while.

Last week I heard stories from different sides that made me aware that this phenomenon maybe is still going on at the moment. Deprivation of liberty under the excuse of fighting viruses. I even thought about the risks it could entail to write about this.

For months we have been stuck with sometimes the most insane and more than creative "security measures" that have been invented in relation to a virus that seems to be gripping the world.
We have to keep ‘social’ distance and register almost everywhere or scan a QR code to be able to enter a place. We are even monitored with drones.
The reason, we are told, is that if a new case of contamination occurs, the source can be quickly traced to avoid even more misery. But is that really the story?

It seems to me more and more sham. That basic source even, A market in Wuhan (China) is told, turned out to have been brought into the world with wrong photos and videos from Langowan (Indonesia) and appears to have nothing to do with bats.
Everything is, by the way, still based on instilling fear.
It seems to be a form of James Bond screenplay that has not yet been made into a movie. A fair that is simply tested in practice.

I now hear stories about companies that conveniently use the virus situation to reorganize "cheaply". Read to get rid of staff. Maybe smart but not very neat.
Companies, institutions, and more, that were not "strong" enough are now bankrupt or dead. It looks like a gigantic clean-up operation taking place. No, not nice to express it this way, but unfortunately, I can't see it any other way. Gigantic side effects and damages have been done with much, much greater damage than by the spread virus itself, which is hardly discussed.
So far not really something that reminds me of a form of conspiracy theory.

More than a month ago, 75 years of freedom was commemorated in the country of my origin, the Netherlands, after all the misery of the Second World War. A great initiative that still touches me year after year. When I look back on that word freedom, I increasingly wonder how our freedom is developing. It’s getting less and less. And here comes my sense of that virus floating up as a smoke screen for something much bigger underneath going on.

Although a compulsory chip has not yet been inplanted in all of us, we have been fully traceable with our mobiles everywhere. We yearn for the latest technology in order to be able to remain part of society without even worrying about the limitations of freedom that the same technology entails. The Wuhan virus has put a lot of speed in keeping a close eye on every step we take, mapping it and making the most of it.

I heard a story from a woman who went shopping in the Netherlands and once went to browse a shop where they sold perfumes. The display of a specific brand attracted her. She stood there a little longer but she didn't buy anything. When she got home, unasked and unexpected, she immediately got marketing of this brand on her mobile. Still very coincidental.

It is known that in shopping streets and in shops nowadays you can be (are) followed completely. More and more people are starting to find out that their privacy is at stake and leave their mobile at home, I was told. I have been quite right for years. Why should your purchasing behavior be charted? Indeed, to gain insight into your preferences and desires and to be able to sell to you even more on that basis.

And think… is that only on shopping streets? It has been the case everywhere for years and the network is closing ever further. Privacy law? I wrote about it before. Do not make me laugh.

We are now trapped in the World Wide Web and are simply testified in it. And the pole, of course, unfortunately goes many times further than "just" that buying and selling process. It gets a bit scary when you think about it a little deeper. And this process continues step by step.
The net is closing more and more and our future is more and more directed for us instead of still determined by us. What about freedom?

Hearing and seeing several demonstrations, I'm glad people are waking up, and yet. This is also part of the process that is being directed for us. I think it is unfortunately already too late and it is just a matter of waiting for the scenario to continue ...
According to the latest reports, the virus appears to be mutating. Corona-20 on the way?

All a bit scary.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Being “declared alive” again.

It continues to feel a bit strange every year. Have to go to a notary, or in my case to the hospital, to have me officially declared alive. And when I have that signed piece of paper in my hands, it is always a small party that I share with my kids.

You have to let yourself be declared alive? Yes, it is necessary every year because I get a pension, live in Thailand and have been unsubscribed as Dutch citizen living in the Netherlands for years already. It is a condition for you to be able to continue to receive a pension from the pension provider. No problem, I understand that. The way in which this has to be done, although it has already been simplified for me, remains somewhat strange to me. Why not show your face with your passport via Skype for example. Nevertheless.

The joy mainly is not about another year of getting pension, but about the fact that every year (at least fortunately so far) I receive confirmation that I am ALIVE. Actually, a very conscious moment because you hardly or not think about it.

After all, it is certain for everyone that you run out of time. And making good use of that uncertain time-frame waiting for you so far has been successful for me in my experience.

A lot of people ask me how that actually works, they cannot understand it and, in my experience, they are too stuck in the system that you have to continue working until your so called retirement age.

I just couldn't work anymore and was completely burned out. Contrary to what the newspapers once claimed and the internet still claims, those tons of money mentioned I got have been left out for me. On my balcony I waited several months but it never arrived. It was a mistake made by a willing accountant. An apology note from my employer, but you will never take the numbers away again. They keep stuck to your name. And well ... I live despite all the mud that came over me long ago, because I just couldn't go any further, still at least until yesterday. And writing this I think about the comparison with a lotus flower seed. It needs mud to grow and flourish.

My attentive Head of Human Resources drew my attention to the possibilities offered by European regulations for early retirement options. And yes, government discouragement policy if you stop working earlier. My pension is being cut by 65% ​​and I am happy with it.

To this day I have lived a good sunny and completely different life in a period of good health for more than eight years so far. Now even in the process of designing, developing and building with our own hands a small private spiritual center with pyramids in Thailand. It is a more than fantastic experience that I / we would like to continue for a few more years. And yes, getting older will certainly have flaws in health for me too. And yet I have come through this beautiful time so far in a good way.

And should the sun not rise for me tomorrow? Then I did it. Grateful and not regretting things I ever wanted to do because I do them 😉

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Having to make a play of your life to forget the troubles of the past

Most people don't even realize they have made a play of their lives. They have adopted a lifestyle to forget and hide the past.

Last week I was confronted quite intensely with two life stories of people. They are sad, violent and also risky. And from my practice those stories are absolutely not isolated. Many people act their lives and don't even notice it anymore.

They show a beautiful exterior to "the" or "their" world. Continue to hide the inside and not want to touch it anymore. An ongoing and energy-consuming way to hide their grief. A way to (still) survive...

They act so well that they even think the outside world doesn't notice that something is going on with them.

The first 7 to around 12 years of your life determine your future life behavior. You get intense impressions that are related to your family situation, attention, love, culture, religion, etc .. And if you experience unpleasant things in it, something that was particularly evident in those two stories that I spoke about, then you are so smart that you develop a way (lifestyle) so that you are bothered as little as possible by them.
And that behavior determines the rest of your life. It has become your survival strategy.

In the stories I was told, for example, that was mainly aimed at closing / armoring emotions. Become a specialist in a specific field with which you cause a stir and where people go for your profession and not for you as a person. And so, I can go on and on. All of life has become a play of running away from yourself. Show you in the armor that you have fitted yourself.

What is unfortunate is that the survival mechanism that you once taught yourself during adulthood is usually no longer needed. You can leave those protective layers that often rest heavily on your shoulders at home. You can throw off that armor and show the beautiful person who is still hiding in you.

In that situation you open up to let your life mission flow and especially to be yourself. You start flourishing.

I talked about risky. The risk lies in that if at any time you can no longer play the role that you have taught yourself for whatever reason (for example, you quit your job in which you could hide). Chances are that your world will collapse because you have never learned to accept your real self. And although you do not want to confront yourself, it still happens.

Not wrong and certainly not a weakness at all to find a specialist to offer a safe and helping hand in the process of unfolding. Somebody strong enough to deal with you.
The result will be that you will finally live and find out that you have put yourself in the closet for many years for nothing…

It doesn't have to be too late to stop acting.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, June 5, 2020

"Keep moving". The best way to heal yourself and to stay healthy

If we had hurt ourselves as children or if we were (physically) bothered by something, my father consistently had the remark: “Keep moving”. With his side job as a swimming instructor, we often did that in “Stoops bad” (Swimmingpool) in Overveen, near Haarlem-NL. But also, no matter how much it hurt sometimes, besides that fantastic swimming.

For several years now I am also a (Kundalini) yoga instructor and it is quite addictive. The daily combination of meditation and yoga supports me in a great way to keep me happy and healthy so far. My girlfriend as well is a bit "infected" and found her way of nearly daily exercising. And yes, true, it takes some time every day. What you get in return on the other hand is amazing.

From the end of February this year we work in Thailand on our small private spiritual pyramid house center. So far, a great experience and the retrieval of knowledge from the study of constructional engineer and architect. Blessed to be able to bring things in practice again and to work with our own hands.

That building process actually is super fun to do. Being busy with it, although a bit different, we move a lot. Judging by my waistband, it also consumes quite a bit of energy (and kilos).
My enthusiasm for building again and the moving involved brought my meditation and yoga to the background. I actually barely noticed.

Beginning April my body started to respond. I didn't notice yet the reason. I got pain in my knees during walking, in my arms, faster feeling tired, etc… Pain during the night in my legs, even having more and more trouble walking with my dog in the morning.
Until I heard my dad's voice in my head again. I had to pick up my moving, my yoga again.

I started doing my daily practice sessions (Kriyas) again and especially for my knees I made a new and extra exercise. Nothing exaggerated, meditating, calmly moving and building up the amount of movements of the exercise.

Believe it or not. In two weeks I was back on track again and I will hardly bothered by the physical disturbances that started in April. Our construction work, efforts and movements have not changed.

For me, proof that my dad's ‘Keep moving” is not only curative, but also addictive. I therefore continue with it daily to keep as long as possible happy, healthy and really connected and truly to life.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)


Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.