Friday, February 28, 2020

Pleasure and knowledge school. A great promise for a valuable future.

It happened to me twice in the past week. I needed something twice and I wanted to go to town for that. Friends of mine told me that I could get it close to where I live too. And indeed. That was true. I had never seen the companies I was looking for here before, in the nearly eight years that I have been living here. I still don't know my own environment.

And the same thing happened with a school nearby. I never saw it before. Maybe now I saw it because it’s winter here and the leaves of many trees dropped.
Suddenly last week I saw that building nearby and I was attracted by the name.

"Pleasure and knowledge School". Whoow, guts. See, that's something else.

Earlier I wrote in my blogs about knowledge, intelligence and wisdom and this name, which I hope describes the school's approach, resonated with me.

Indeed, you have to have a bit of a gene for intelligence, but education that mainly brings you knowledge contributes to intelligence a lot. Knowledge, by the way, says nothing about wisdom. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. I have met many people during the different courses and schools in my life I was allowed to follow and also in work situations that were enormously intelligent. Often in a specific field. Sometimes I found them a bit lonely, even ‘different’ at school and in society.

For me they were not the kind of people you would naturally go to with questions that come from your heart. Those were the people who possessed wisdom. Every person has been given wisdom with his or her birth. A kind of gift linked to your talents. To what extent you feel free to share that inner wisdom has in my experience a lot to do with that other word that flaunts on the facade of that school “Pleasure”.

For me, pleasure says something about lightness, connection, energy, putting knowledge into practice, being open, seeing things more broadly and having fun with it. A fantastic basis for revealing wisdom in a playful way.

If this school lives up to its name, it delivers young persons with more than great potential. People who don't make everything so heavy or take everything so seriously. Who have been given a solid foundation for human knowledge and who have been able to develop the wisdom of their talents. People who let things flow and gain practical experience that can be valuable to others.

Those kind of persons with whom you enjoy the company of being together somewhere and share the questions from your heart. Naturally you feel invited to them and you do not have to overcome any threshold to meet up with them. Because you know that they are listening to you, they are willing to try to understand your situation to a large extent and are not immediately ready for you with advice. They are the people who are able to show, out of their inner wisdom, your inner wisdom, a mirror from which you can make your own choices.

What a school! A breeding ground for a valuable future. There should be more of them.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, February 21, 2020

You will never get rid of or totally recover from a burnout. The weak spot remains.

Mid-January, I was approached by the Dutch ‘Barneveld newspaper’. In the 1990s I lived and worked in Barneveld-NL for over 8 years. It really was a very nice, nearly two hours lasting, interview for their weekend column "Greetings from". Published last January 25.

It was a moment of looking back and looking ahead from the present moment. And after I read the publication many things came up again.

One thing that came up after reading was that, as doctors had already told me, I would never totally get rid of my burn-out symptoms. And now, ten years after they discovered my severe burn-out, I can fully confirm that. That weak spot remains and you just have to touch it, so to speak, and immediately the feelings and symptoms are back again. Terrible tiredness and listlessness and also a form of headache or flu feeling come back behind my eyes. It feels like all energy is suddenly pouring out of my body and I can hardly do anything about it.

Now I have learned quite well in recent years to deal with it and to recover quickly, but... it still happens to me now and then and at that moment I should better stop doing what I was doing because it’s waste of effort literally nothing comes out of my hands.

My weakness is my allergy. Actually I have to say my two allergies. From the age of 16 I have really seen every specialist, homeopath, pharmacy, doctor, acupuncturist or more in relation to my pollen allergy (hay fever).
The other allergy that actually only became visible to me after the detection of my burnout in 2010 is my sensitivity to energy. Call it negative-energy sensitivity allergy.
It really burns me down.

What do you have to think about?
To mention something: Environmental energy (literally the resonance of the energy of the environment where I am to me), complaining and nagging people, opposition, lack of a grant factor, commitments that are not being met (negligence), non-compliance with financial obligations, political and administrative games, gossip and back slap, (un) honesty, being abused, mightiness, and I can go on and on.

And the crazy thing about everything is that now that I am older and I have had quite a few experiences, I have seen faster and more often the patterns that lie beneath (nothing is new and nothing is hidden forever). This has the advantage of being able to anticipate earlier. The disadvantage is that I am confronted with it more quickly and more often in an initial phase.

And how do you deal with allergies? You must understand that an allergy has a cause and an effect. For too long I have been working on effect control. That seems nice, but it consumes energy (and I don't have it, so that makes it even worse). A medicine against the headache? Not my thing. Better something that helps in a natural and sustainable way.
It is really better to work on that cause (as far as that is of course possible and in your own capacities). And yes, with that you separate yourself or at least take distance from what is happening around you. A pity, but it is (not selfish) all to stay in a good condition and health.

That interview for the newspaper made it very clear to me what I have already done about that ‘source control’. And actually, that is also the answer to questions that I regularly get why I live "differently". It is for my own protection and heath.

To also mention something about this.
I have not been following news on TV and in newspapers for years. And of course, I still get some shreds. But all the news for me is literally old and it is 95% negative. I can't do anything with it or about it. For me, "social" media is to a large extent fake, and when I hear how "social" it is and see the behavior of people around it, it does not create a connection between people, but rather distance, for me. In addition, it are continuously addictive disturbances in what you actually want or need to do. My group of friends is getting smaller and my birthday calendar (I still have it on paper because I don't have an i-Phone or tablet) emptier. And yes, that of course also has to do with me. If there is no existing contact for a long time anymore with people I once had as ‘friends’ or groups I once belonged to they leave that calendar or list.  And yes, of course I will respond when I receive a message. And groups, also here in Thailand, that cost me more energy than I get back, I thank and leave. It's like pollen. I better stay away from it in the season.

Read my mail on average twice a week. Daily yoga and meditation. And perhaps the best of everything, say more "No". Who is actually the manager about my life? Yes, for me there is one Big Boss and after that I can still be the manager about that life that I got. Deploy and share my talents where it keeps me in good health.
Does that make you lonely? I think it is not too bad because I intensively enjoy those things that give me energy, and there are many of them.

And still I occasionally forget it and I still have that burn-out feeling again. Another lesson to listen better and respond earlier to the signals my body gives.
What I do, and what is sometimes misunderstood, is self-protection to be the best for myself and therefore for those dear to me and / or who can use my personality, talents and gifts well.

You will never get rid of a burnout ... So try not to get one…

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Man's intelligence is declining. Yes, my sister is right. Rose scarcity in the Netherlands? A kind of April 1 marketing joke to earn even more on the phenomenon Valentine's Day?

On February 11, I saw a ‘frightful’ message on the Dutch news and media site “”. Just now, The Netherlands has to contend with a lack of roses. It (only) seems like everyone is sad about it.

The report says that due to the scarcity of roses or those buckets that contain roses, flower bouquets will turn out to be more expensive than ever before on Valentine’s day.

I still remember the potato crisis in the Netherlands. The prices of potatoes and French fries increased steadily due to a lack of potatoes. The original prices of that time, after the harvest had long been picked up again, never returned to the former level.

This ‘frightful’ message comes across as a sort of 1st April marketing joke. The Netherlands with a lack of roses? And still, pardon me, ‘just’ before Valentine's Day? It is really to 'cry about’. Indeed, tears of laughter and unbelief. My sister, for me, is right with her remark that human intelligence seems to be declining more and more.

So, look for other (cheaper) flowers or just something else or just nothing. Nothing? Yes, you can show love in many ways and that does not mean you always have to buy a present.

After all, that entire Valentine's Day hassle is only focused on marketing, isn't it?

So, my girlfriend sad for her no roses this year. She got a (sorry for second hand) truck for our construction plans and progress. The rose scarcity maybe even helped to make this decision...

And by the way, no shortage of roses here. On the market today again those fantastic bouquets in different colors or in a mix. Long straight stems and each flower in a protective net. And today even with a paper around it with hearts. The price as every week 60 Euro cents for 10 roses that, despite the temperature here, stay in great and beautiful condition for at least one week.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Foto blog: 

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

Friday, February 7, 2020

The huge influence of parents and teachers in your life

Recently I read again in the book "The Pocket, Thich Nhat Hanh". I opened it up with his lesson about inferiority.

Every child is born open and uninhibited to learn. And from that birth on, the "un-learning" process and giving direction of culture, habits, opinions, often also faith and so on, begin.

Where do you learn to be a good parent? Certainly, there are books about it. Whether you actually learn from it? Who has the real right knowledge to share? And ... what's ‘good’ for you? Most of the time it is a copy, or consciously trying not to copy, of what you have received in your own youth. Or rather pass on what you liked about it and sometimes even pass on the allergy to what you didn't like.

For the sake of convenience (?), let's assume that all parents' intentions to raise children are good. You want the best and perhaps even better for your children. The same applies ‘for the same convenience’ to teachers (or at least it should be in my experience). You want to share and transfer knowledge to bring others further in their life development. And by teachers, I mean the people who actually practice this responsible profession and also the "teachers" who are your examples or idols in your life.

Thich Nhat Hanh writes: "The ground of a child’s consciousness is still very young, still very fresh."
And with that youthfulness and freshness also very susceptible.

During many encounters with guests here during my work in Thailand, meetings with people from many different cultures, I experienced what an enormous effect negative and decreasing talks and speeches from parents and teachers in the young years of these people had had. Developing feelings of inferiority. Those words of criticism, often in anger or out of irritation in situations of stress and sometimes unfortunately also intentionally said, were the seeds for growing their inferiority complex.

And strangely enough, if you went back in their stories during these meetings, you would end up in a sort of vicious circle. From a form of allergy to what once was said or done about them, the germ was ready to pass on to their children.

And I have also said something negative to my kids in a mood of anger. You also educate in my experience, even though your intention is great, with trial and error and making mistakes (and seeing them) is part of it. Fortunately, that could always be corrected later.

Raising and/or teaching children. A very responsible task.

One thing is certain for me. Every person is unique and different and has no less, but more value. It depends on the perspective of looking at it. And that uniqueness is expressed in talents that should be encouraged, regardless of culture, religion or group. That is different from addressing children in a destructive way to what you do not like.

Who knows, it helps to break through those negative vicious circles step by step.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.