Friday, July 26, 2019

A world deadly sick of sugar. Rehab from my addiction.

Four weeks ago, my girlfriend sent me an already dated video of a live interview with the Medical Doctor Raymond Francis from Florida, USA. In 2002 he published his book "Never be sick again".

To be honest I am not a person who like all this kind of ‘how to get a better health’ movies, most of the time actually promoting a product or supplement. But it was short, I got it from my girlfriend so I watched and listened to it.

Clearly a man with a mission this Mr. Francis. A person who inspires and knows what he is talking about. Someone who for me shows many similarities with the passion, engagement and optimism my father always had and showed. Personalities with the gift to appeal to people out of their best intentions and from their own experiences to encourage others to live healthy or even more healthy and support them to enjoy that healthy lifestyle.

Yes, sure, Raymond Francis is kicking a kind of open door for many people, including me. I had heard something before but never really thought about how I, unconsciously and unintentionally, risked and played a game with my health. And he published this book already in 2002…? Well, better late than never so to say. Happy now I heard from it and being aware now, take things seriously.

I just did not pay attention and thought to myself that it was not so bad with my health. After all, I never took sugar in my coffee or tea, for example, and drank a lot of fruit juice with no added sugars, etc .. Enough rest and no stress anymore for about seven years already. Well done, at least I thought so.

And yes, due to my accident in 2010, I radically changed my lifestyle. On a daily basis I practice meditation, I exercise a lot by walking firmly with my dog for a few hours and doing yoga for about one hour. Up to now, never really sick. Still…

Francis' story woke me up more than I thought. I found some of his statements astonishing. For example, how only one teaspoon of sugar within two hours for a period of six to eight hours completely destroys the human body’s natural immune balance. Reduces it by 50% as he explains. Or that sugar has a much more harmful influence on your body than alcohol, drugs or smoking. Then the connections he makes with the influence, just say wide open the door, to a wide range of sicknesses and their symptoms.

After hearing his short story, I thought to myself that it was time to really start to pay attention to this. And starting my regular six-week alcohol-free fast again last July 1, I thought that was a good time to acutely stop with regard to sugar too. Something, at the moment, I can say I want to continue.

Indeed, maybe a simple decision but not yet done so easily. I really never thought to discover that I was more than super addicted to sugar. It was not just easy stopping as I without much problems regularly do with alcohol but worked out more to be a rehab. So yes maybe Francis also in this for me is right, to stop consuming sugar for me is much harder and more difficult than to stop drinking alcohol.

It’s easy to tell yourself I am the boss of my body but my body was just trying for a long time to trick me and get what it wanted (so far without success).

I have often written in my blogs that everything you give attention grows. To be honest I don't think it is even possible altogether to stop with sugar (on a zero percent level). It is really everywhere, yes nearly in every product you buy to consume, and not in the least quantities. My experience now is that the world simply is deadly sick with sugar. It is a more than bad poison.

Why it was an addiction to me (I can say now) became clear from the following personal experiences.

For a period of almost two weeks I felt more than tired. My desire for something with sugar (my children often call me a cookie monster) increased and I almost turned my house around to find something that contained sugar. A kind of playing tricky games between body and mind. Fortunately the games were unsuccessful and I stayed on track. But not so easily. Looking for sugar substitutes too. Well, I left that behind me very quickly. That literally "junk" is much more harmful and ... it doesn't solve anything to get rid of that sugar addiction.

Good that my girlfriend could not come to me for two weeks because of her work. My mood, normally always stable and good, changed drastically and I was a bit bad tempered on Skype and short in words and expressions. Happy for me my girlfriend saw and understood all of what happened to me. After all, she too had stepped into the sugar fast only a little less abruptly than me.

Nagging headaches, looked like the same I had during my burn-out period. And sometimes even chills. Extremely strange in the very warm climate here. Still, apparently my body had to get used to how to turn on the internal heater in a different way.

These phenomena are now almost over. Never thought that it would take so long for only ‘some’ sugar. I just gave away my stock, yes, I really had a lot of different juices, of packed fruit juices. The kind that show on the package to distract ‘no sugar added’ but who actually are full of this harmful stuff.

I have bought a blender and am now making my own juices from the very large and affordable range of fruit and vegetables that we find here on the local markets. It takes some time to get used to the new, actually real, taste again. Whoow, what a great difference. You literally taste nature again.

I feel good, even better, and have enough energy again.

And yes, I am not totally used yet. Sugar keeps ogling and saying 'NO' to that longing feeling is not always easy although it has been successful so far. And whether I will (still) never get sick? I'll just wait and see. That is actually not the main reason for me to skip sugar in my food. Also, not to lose weight.

It is more an ode to my temporary temple, my body, to be able to make optimal use of it for as long as possible. And for me, being sick once in a while is no more than a signal from my body that it still can compete with what made me unhealthy to become healthy again on its own. But if that fight isn't even necessary because of getting rid of this addiction... then I think you enjoy living life maybe even so much more.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)
Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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