Friday, October 18, 2019

Daddy, I look more and more like you.

Recently I heard the Dutch song "Papa, ik lijk steeds meer op jou” (Daddy, I look more and more like you) by the Dutch singer Stef Bos once again. And damn, the more I think about it, it is indeed true. I look more and more like my dad. And although the lyrics say that we will never meet again after death, that does not apply to my dad and me. Although he passed away many years ago already, we meet each other every day.

I never thought that because we were so different, and I also experience on a daily base a huge influence in my life from the person I am named after.

And how does it show itself that I feel more and more like my dad?
Without ever thinking about it, I took over a daily ritual from my father. His winged quote; "A healthy mind in a healthy body". I live. At least I try to live. Daily one hour of yoga for example. And what a surprise, writing this blog, I find this picture of him. Even doing one of the same exercises.
No, I don't need to go to a fitness center. I don't call it discipline either. It is not like many a kind of temporary fitness overkill. A normal ritual indeed. And that mind too, certainly here in Thailand, receives sufficient training in rest and awareness through daily meditation and practicing the art of stopping on a regular base and not allowing myself to be influenced by all kinds of negativity. “Pick the day!” By the way, a statement from my mother.

Sayings from my dad as:
"Clean up your mess", "Boy, just do normal", "Switch off the light if you are not in your room", "Keep moving if you have an injury", "Be optimistic till the coffin and enthusiast till your last breath" and so much more. I hear them really daily and often I get a smile on my face. Certainly, with that "just behave, do normal". Sign that I still regularly release the puppy within myself. How easy it is to make some fun and get fun in return.
More and more I live his rituals.

His two wines a day are two beers a day with me, the only difference I take twice a year for six weeks an alcohol fast.
Active. I really don't have to think about a (in my opinion) useless hanging around life or sitting behind the geraniums wasting my lifetime. There is still too much to do, to experience and to share in my life.

And in the church as well. I may fulfill the role of Eucharistic Minister and Cantor here in the Cathedral of Chiang Mai, I see his rituals, as a still young boy I witnessed every Sunday at my hometown, pass by every week. It makes me grateful and happy.

And so, there is more and more. I copy behavior? I don't know, it feels like my own, although biological 50% originated from my father, of course. I feel great about it all.

My dad was and stayed very healthy with his active lifestyle, being optimistic and enthusiast for more than 93 years of life, as he always called it.

At least I hope to look like him with that number as well. Staying healthy is a great asset for that. Who knows that one of my slogans: "There is only one goal in life and that is to LIVE" can add even a little extra.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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