Friday, August 18, 2017

Isn’t it great to have an ego? Use it well.

I sometimes get a bit tired about all the negativity expressed in relation to having an ego. In the culture I live in, it's most common that your make use of your ego to serve yourself and to serve the world around. Without ego you cannot even live. It’s a natural thing to interact with other people and changing situations. So to connect.

In short, that cultural (Buddhist) background learns that we all have 8 so-called states of consciousness. One of them has everything to do with our ego.

And of course I understand where the regularly negative commotion over ego comes from. An ego that can sometimes even drift into a form of ‘rooster behaviour’ (haunting behaviour) or narcissism (a form of behavior characterized by an obsession with its own personality, with selfishness, domination, ambition and lack of empathy. Often with a background of personal fear).

If you do not know yourself, never met yourself, do not know who you really are, why you are here, what’s the purpose of your life, you're definitely do not know or understand how to deal with that amazing instrument, "Ego consciousness". The way you can, no actually must, use it.
You do not have that ego for nothing or for the fun. Because you usually do not know what and how to do or deal with it, you are used to try and get what you can get. To "conquer" status and position. At least, that’s what you think and that’s what the world around shows you.

Have you ever thought about the idea that you got that ego to give form and matter to your uniqueness, your authenticity and your specific life-purpose. Your ego is precious. It is the basis for our adaptability to bring that uniqueness into the best possible way in the world. To be yourself, and thus not somebody else, because they are already taken and better in being their selves than you ever can be. To share what there is to share from that uniqueness you are. And with process to personally grow and develop yourself further on the path called life.
In fact, it has nothing to do with hard working but stimulates things and situations to come as they get along (to accept and learn). That's exactly how you give flow to your life.

By hiking against that (life)stream, you are going to work hard, do not accept the meaning of your life, but you make the choice to fight life. A form of inner battle to (only show the outside world) you are 'better'. To be different. To concur the expectations, you usually only think, others have of you. By not listening to yourself.

Just release this use of your ego, release this inner and outer fight. Allow your ego to freely support sharing your uniqueness, to be and to stay yourself. To interact out of harmony with yourself and your environment and to surrender to the path that is called life. Great to use your fantastic ego in the only right way. It's all about knowing yourself and finding the right way to give water (your rareness) to the roots of others out of empathy. The tree then takes care of the distribution of that water to all the parts, trunk, branches and leafs, that needs this food, this vitamin, this mineral, this energy or maybe even this treatment to make further steps forward as well.

Use your ego well and do not overwork yourself. Sharing your life flow of who you are not only is much easier, more supportive and healthier for yourself as well as for the world around you.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight
“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.” 

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