Friday, March 9, 2018

Triptych HAPPY, healthy, holy (really and truly to life) (1)

Happy Chinese Guest Olivia with my happy dog Kadhow 
I am nearly finished with my teacher training to become a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. Can you imagine, starting to do such a training at the young age of sixty? 
My dad became a (Hata) Yoga teacher at the age of 54 and reached very healthy and still practicing yoga the age of 93. I cannot guarantee that yet and still. There is something to reach ;). 

For me this training was and is a wonderful experience and introduction to a much more free and even more happy, healthy and 'holy' (really and truly to life) life.

People who know me already, know one of the things in the purpose/mission/calling of my life is to grow by sharing. Briefly, this calling compels me to use my background and growth experiences in becoming a catalyst for change:  My change process facilitates transformation into people to get (new) growth and renewed flow.

So out of the experiences of this Yoga training it’s nice and easy for me to share some new insights with you. 

That's why today I start with a triptych: "Happy, Healthy, Holy (really and truly to life)".

Every aspect of life has an enlightened, efficient, and effective way to do and to live it. Yogi Bhajan studied and mastered this technical and spiritual knowledge in India, and brought this gift in the sixties to the West.
One of the first things that Yogi Bhajan taught is that it’s the birthright of every human being to be healthy, happy, and holy (really and truly to life).

The Healthy, Happy and Holy lifestyle gives us a blueprint for building a healthy, happy, and holy life.
There’s a yogic art and science to all aspects of human life. This lifestyle—the Kundalini Yoga lifestyle—is a yoga and lifestyle for everybody.

“The purpose of all our efforts is simply to extend your awareness in your consciousness so you can have this foundation in experience and a base in positive habits. Then you can smoothly plan your life to any extent you like. You can radiate creativity and Infinity in all aspects of your life. That is the practical result of yoga. It is the capacity and right to live a healthy, happy, and holy life. That is why we called our yoga family  Happy, Healthy and Holy.”

- Yogi Bhajan

This week’s blog some words of me about Happiness:

"Naturally, the sour taste of lemon cannot be tasted unless it is pressed. In the same way, when the human life has never faced any difficulty or trouble, it will not find the way of happiness and success."

Several times I already paid attention to this word. Looking deeply into this word out of Buddhism you can give the word the basic explanation: “Peace of mind”. For me so far this fits the best in relation to my experiences here with guests as well in my private life.
The Kundalini Yoga teacher training again brought me into contact with that word and it’s wonderful to dig even deeper. To explore more.

Actually very few people know and no one can tell you what happiness is because happiness cannot be described.

What makes you happy or unhappy is not the world or the people around you, but the thinking in your head. There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs in your head. Your programming is so strong and the pressure of society, culture, even religion and lots of times marketing is so intense that you are literally trapped into perceiving the world in this distorted kind of way. You are brainwashed and not even aware of it.

The search for happiness in the world outside of you is wasting your energy. You can stop trying to cure baldness or build up an attractive body or change your residence or job or community or even your personality. Do you realize that you could change every one of these things and still be unhappy?
And deep down you know this is true but still you waste your effort and energy trying to get what cannot make you happy.

Understand your false believes and they will drop. Then you will know the taste of happiness. If people want happiness so badly, why don’t they attempt to understand their false beliefs?

Instead of living a life of serenity and fulfillment they doomed themselves to a life of frustration, anxiety, worry, insecurity, suspense and tension. For a few fleeting moments the world does, indeed, yield their efforts and rearranges itself to suit their desires. They become briefly happy. Or rather, they experience a flash of pleasure. But that’s not happiness at all for it is accompanied by underlying fear that at any moment it will slip out of control.

If you wish to attain to lasting happiness you must be ready to leave all your clinging to your attachments. Clinging to people, clinging to possessions. Not by renouncing them or giving them up but rather by seeing them for the nightmare the clinging many times is.  

An attachment isn’t a fact. It’s a belief, a fantasy in your head, acquired through programming. You have become a prisoner to them. Almost every negative emotion you experience is the direct outcome of an attachment. Get rid of their grip over you. Their power to hurt you, out of your darkness, your fear, your unhappiness. To stop clinging and thus you destroy their capacity to hurt you.

In order to be genuinely happy there is one and only one thing you need to do; get de-programmed, get rid of those attachments.

Then at last you will experience that mysterious state of abiding happiness and peace. And you will understand how true it is that everyone who stops clinging to whatever it is gains more bliss.

Gangey Gruma (Frans Captijn)

Captijn InsightCatalyst in developing tranquility & in-sight to get in a sustainable way real connection, purpose, pleasure and flow in life, love, family, business, career and work again.

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