Friday, June 24, 2016

Holidays? Time to let go and reconnect. Nature offers a helping hand.

For a lot of people holiday season is starting (soon). Time to leave the rat-race they call life for a while and to take a rest. 'Me time'. Time to let go and be available to reconnect. Time to communicate with yourself. Not to be lonely but to be alone (all-one). Being all one you are not only serving yourself in the best possible way but, reaching that state, your also available for your love ones and surroundings in the best suitable way. Not an egoistic thing. Nature nearby or further away, as a for most people (different) comfort zone, offers a helping hand.  

Holidays, time to recharge, you can embrace as an invitation to connect again with nature. To discover the many wonders in life – as personal mirrors to investigate - that are available for you in the here and now to learn and grow. To get flow in life, love, family, work and career again.

Running our life we are less and less connected with ourselves and the available mirrors in life and nature. We are not even aware anymore of lots of free energy sources.

Technology supplies us with many devices to help us and stay connected with the outside world. But even when we are connected, we continue to feel lonely. We check our e-mails, send text messages, and post updates several times a day. We may spend our whole day connecting but not reduce the loneliness we feel. Lots of people spend a lot of time in meetings or e-mailing with others, and not a lot of time communicating with themselves. The result is that we don’t know what is going on within us. It may be a mess inside. How, then, can we communicate and connect with another? All our technological devices disconnect us from ourselves, from coming home.

Holidays are an invitation to connect with yourself again. To analyze your living and to be aware and get rid of the so called three poisons in life called greediness, anger and ignorance. To live the art of smelling, tasting, touching, watching, listening and to calm down your mind. To communicate with yourself.
Nature is the most wonderful available source to be inspired and to help you with that reconnection. To leave your technological devices at home so you can connect with your real home. The place where all the answers and suggestions on questions, and situations you are in, in your life are already waiting.
Stop trying to change the world around and find satisfaction in the outside world. It’s most of the time hard working and at the most getting temporary solutions. Connect with your own programming. That’s the place where much easier, when you understand and listen to yourself, can find sustainable solutions.

Connect with nature. Feel the rest and available free energy. Calm down. Be touched by the seasons and mirrors you can find. Need some suggestions to connect with some mirrors in nature?
# A hill (stability and connection with the earth),
# A dropping leaf (effortlessly letting go and creating space for something new that’s already waiting to become),
# A ‘simple’ attracting tree (just only being. Undisturbed by what other people think of it),
# An animal (not suffering about the past or the future but living in the now and accepting life as it is),
# A small stream (go with the flow),
# A cloud touching a mountain top (interacting in harmony, no debate, no dialogue),
# Life and death (the ongoing cycle of life. You come with nothing and you go with nothing),
# NO car or other materialism to find (desires do not make sustainable happy. Spirituality does),
# Autumn (every leaf turns into a flower and time to harvest),
# Winter (time to recharge and connect with the core of life again) Connect to be all-one again,
# Waterfall (Water has never been broken when it falls down into a waterfall. Stay like water),
# Storm at a lake (emotions just need time to heave down to. One meter under the surface it’s silent)
# Sounds (Signs to silence. Silence is not the absence of something but the awareness of the availability of everything),
# Day and night (Day connection with the Sun, action. Night connection with the moon, time to recharge and build up wisdom),
# High-tide and low-tide movement (the natural times in life to rise and fall),
# Flower (invitation to watch androgyny, duality and to smell),
# Newborn animals (playful carefree discovering),
# Caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly (transformation from crawling, temporary captivity to liberation), 
# Natural attracting forms in herbs, vegetables and nature as a whole (Golden ratio),
# New branches out of a tree that's cut (there is only one goal in life. It's called LIVING),
# Etc..

Have a great experience with and in nature discovering ‘home’ again during your holidays.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.” 

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