Friday, May 12, 2017

Deepening my life. I say farewell to (social) media. Perhaps I'll find my life back even more.

On request, I would like to give some more explanation and information in relation to a post I posted on social media on May 3rd about quitting my (social) media.

This May 20th I will start to further deepen, step by step, my life. One of the first things I will do is to say farewell to (social) media by closing my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Will I become a hermit? I do not think so.

Feel free to still follow my blogs because I will go on with them. The frequency will not be any longer every week. I will only write and post my blog if I have anything to share and I have enough time to write it. If you want to become my ‘blog follower’ just sign up ( This can even be anonymous if you want to choose for that. Again, just feel free. New is that I will start May 20th 2017 with a weekly Photoblog. Posting every week a picture of my life and/or experiences. If you want to see or follow please check:

And can I not be reached at all any longer? For sure I can be reached. Just use my website ( or use the email address ( I will still be available like I am on the LinkedIn network. Be aware I generally respond within two days.

Quitting (social) media are part of my movement to create more living time and space. Time to really connect. I have not listened to the radio for about five years now (except sometimes for music (without screaming marketing in between). Newspapers not any longer for me. And, looking back, my television is already at rest for five years as well. Sporadically I switch it on to ‘connect’ with the 'world news'. My attention is drawn to a text bar that shows me how the Dow Jones and AEX indexes are rising or falling. I really was interested in that news and therefore not at all waiting for that very disturbing indexes.
Maybe tomorrow the sun will not rise for me. A "rich" may be poor, a "poor" man rich. I am not willing to get insomnia or even possible a heart attack because of money or economy. I have seen enough of all of this already in my life so far. And not watching television for me has nothing to do with any believe, religion or even Buddhism. It's my free choice.

I want to connect and enjoy even more with what LIFE is for me. Face-to-face contact. Feeling. Engaged connection with guests who cross my path. Connection to nature, mirroring so much about how to live life, go with the flow and how to let go. Further study, growing even more intensely. And I need more time and less disturbance to live this way. Reason that I want less external influences or disturbances. It's just my choice. And yes, I know I'm going to miss some information or things possibly as well. And still I think and feel my choice will offer me more in my further development and personal discovery journey.

We are getting more and more addicted to our digital world connection devices. Social media is getting less and less social. More and more, it is an exhibition of everything that sounds and looks like happiness and regularly with collective lamentation. “Connected” with everyone and everything and feeling and following as a member of the tribe. Sometimes it really plops up in my mind if we can and will survive without internet. In my view, the world at that moment will collapse. People meet each other. How to connect (again). We unlearned that skill.

I want to go back to even more LIVING my life. I am no longer longing for magazines that initially appeal to me. Discovering I first have to turn six pages of advertising to find a first small sometimes interesting article that I actually purchased. Save my time, the effort and the money. I'm looking for and will find it if I want to know more in a direct way without all this marketing “to keep the price of the magazine low…??? Don’t let me laugh about this.).

Everything you give attention grows. We are giving less and less attention to what our lives really are about. That is at least my experience. That wake-up call comes - and often too late - when we grow older or suddenly face an accident or, for example, a serious illness ourselves or of love ones. Then life values often suddenly shift (to what the real meaning of life is). That was true to me too.

I nearly only see people who are ‘prisoners’ of their digital devices. In a 24-hour daily routine, following everything. They simply accept that they can be disturbed 24 hours a day and obviously seem to enjoy it. Even during love making or serious conversations. Running away for themselves, less feeling lonely, help them to survive boredom. In my opinion, a waste of life-time.

It's absolutely not wrong to keep up with what's happening in and around you. But should that be everything that’s going on in the world? Should the information be drenched from marketing? Have you ever thought that emotion is the main and essential drive for 'news value'? Is it all necessary to know? Does it make your life or other people their life’s easier? Better? What do you have to do with it? It makes you restless, anxious and regularly brings you out of balance, creates even insomnia.
And yes, sometimes in a positive way it also helps you to prepare yourself for things that possible could happen to you. And ... do you already know that what will happen to you? Or do you create all kind of stories in your mind creating illusions and preparing yourself to solve the problems you only created by this illusions?
Suffering, worrying, wasting time. It never comes to an end and does not solve any problem. Questioning yourself "why?" for instance. Never a clarification. Or comments like "…but" indicate that you do not really agree. Did it solve anything? Will it bring you further or closer to any solution?

We live more and more in a world in which material values, power, and "I" perform on top. A world full of tricks to make human interconnection seem real. All of our ‘communication support resources’ bring us further away from conversation and real communication. How is it possible, with all our devices, communication in families and at work is still so bad? These support resources confuse you, make you worry, distract and often we do not even know what we should believe or not.

All those (social) media support our judging. Our labelling. Sticking (most of the time unwholesome) labels. To ‘like’, ‘dislike’ or add another emoticon. Something that I actually also do with this blog. It does not stimulate at all to help us to be more curious in other people their meaning (there part of the bigger truth).
We think we are free, being more and more in information and marketing prison cells. Privacy? Gone! Once it was such a ‘valuable’ thing.

If you really want to be free, it has to start in yourself. First step in this is to know yourself better. Perhaps even confronting or facing the war within yourself. Contemplating, learn and study about yourself, your lifestyle (seen as the way you use to respond to situations in your life).Turn off and guard all sorts of distractions. Especially the ones you cannot change at all. And is that selfish? Why would that be selfish? Do not you just have to share your uniqueness with the world around you? Learn and live the uniqueness then first. With that (your) uniqueness, you will make the best contribution to the whole. Everybody else is already taken. Be yourself and first of all know yourself better. Disruptions can be missed on that path. Become and stay the master of your own live.

Start small. In your own close environment. Engagement for and with the whole world is not asked of you. Find the human connection and resume it. Restore conversation. Enjoy more of things that are already waiting for you. You do not see them because you are standing on top of them and looking into the future. Do not look too far ahead (the most insane (my present thought about it) training I ever got to imagine what and where I would like to be in five years’ time ...). Management tricks to help you not to enjoy living life now. What about next week? Isn’t that much smarter and don’t you LIVE much more? After all, you run out of time. So enjoy your time left.

I want to go on that journey. No, not as a hermit but just in full connection. And for this I release other "connections" to give myself more time.

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or an organization.”

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