Friday, September 1, 2017

Dare to stop and experience your biggest step forward

A few weeks ago I met a Chinese colleague. By chance we met each other when she followed a health program at our resort.

She told me about various experiences with her guests in China and soon we came to the turnaround that both of us made in life. Both actually around six years ago. My one-sided accident driving through a tunnel made me stop. For her it was a conscious choice because she did not get enough satisfaction in her job caused by a lack of full flow of her talents.

We stopped. In fact, we had never really experienced that stopping. Always on the move to the next goal, always focused on more to reach, both in personal life and with and for our organizations. She once worked for a big Chinese company as HRM director and now, like me, independently. And she also took the pen to write books related to personal development and life flow, purpose and sources, like I did.

That topic , the art of stopping, became a very enjoyable subject for a dialogue. Deepening and exploring. She indicated that there was a Chinese saying, actually it worked out to be her own saying; "If you dare to stop, you make the biggest step forward." It worked out to be her way of life. A sentence to deepen and to ponder about a bit.

Stopping, actually doing nothing, means much and much more than I ever thought. And still I often have trouble with stopping. Just to 'drop', to leave everything you're up to. Well, people who know me a little bit, know that's nothing for me, Now I can say that it was nothing for me. Always busy. Multi-tasking. Actually, it gave me a fantastic opportunity and way to flee away for myself, as things showed up now. And even that experience you do not get or understand when you're moving, not being at halt. And in this way stopping is a lot doing…

You, or better to say we, as also worked out during our chat about this topic, are always looking for something outside ourselves. In our outside world. A solution, a direction, an answer. We are trying to change the world around us so it can help us to make progress – we only think – in moving on.

And by focusing on the next goal, we are not even aware about so many solutions for the things we are dealing with stored within. If you do not feel comfortable in a situation you are in the real solutions cannot be found in the outside world. They real answers and solutions are already stored in you. Ready and waiting to be discovered, un-covered. And to give this process a chance you need to come home to yourself first.

If you dare to stop, you will find out that you first may have the (lot of times uncomfortable) feeling that you are confronted with yourself. And isn’t that actually a great challenge? You are the one that spend 24 hours with yourself. Getting to know yourself better is a lot more a favor than a threat. Be sure at a certain moment you will recognize this. Being always busy. Always moving and alert on what’s happening in the outside world. You leave too many chances and opportunities ready for gathering.

Stopping. Just to hangout as a kind of "hermit" is a foundation for creating inner wisdom. Listening to the resonation of your own bell being the clapper yourself. No study or school needed. Simply isolate yourself for a short while to listen to yourself. How am I doing? Why do I do this? What is the cause I'm suffering from this effect? Do others experience the same? Why and why not? What is over and over again disturbing me? Has this to do with my programming? Is it still necessary to interrupt me any longer? Am I not too short-sighted? Does the other or others really have the intention to hurt me or us? Am I curious enough? And many more other questions you can ask yourself just by contemplating.

Stopping will prove to be your greatest step forward in creativity, solutions, anticipating instead of responding, rest, resilience and in health.

Stopping, as my guests show me more and more, is taking steps forward. Nothing selfish. It's not necessary to move on all the time...

Frans Captijn
Host / Catalyst / Talenteer at Captijn Insight

Captijn Insight“Catalyst in your process to new sustainable flow in life, love, family, business, career and work. Whether you are an individual, couple, team or organization.” 

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